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From The Halls of Montezuma to the Depths of Outer Space: The Long Deployment (conclusion)

From The Halls of Montezuma to the Depths of Outer Space: The Long Deployment (conclusion)
The rear ramp on the gunship shut with a clang just as the torpedoes detonated. The gunship was still in a nose dive to the ground when the concussive force of the blast created a shockwave which knocked the gunship off its terminal dive angle. Warning lights and alarms screamed inside the cockpit, but the rugged little gunship held together, despite the battering she had just taken. With one last heave, Jennifer pulled up on the stick with every ounce of strength that she had left. The gunship shot up, narrowly missing the black, jagged, landscape which seemed to rise up to meet them. Jennifer pulled the stick to the left, attempting to get past the periphery of the blasted black landscape and over to where the land was alive and green and beautiful.
“We’re clear of the anomaly!” Warrant Officer Nasri’s voice boomed into the intercom over the rising pitch of the thrusters. “Is everyone okay back there?”
“We’re a little banged up,” said SSgt Talley into the intercom speaker, looking down and frowning at the wet spot on her armor where Seashell Killary pissed herself. “But we’re fine. The medic is handing out boo-boo band aids and lollypops.”
“Okay,” chucked Nasri. “Where’s Lieutenant Gabriel?”
“Oh, uh, he’s hanging around, ma’am,” said Sgt. Hernandez.
“I see,” said Nasri. “Well, when he’s done farting around, let him know that we have comms with the Galveston City. They’ve got freedom of maneuver and are in orbit waiting to retrieve us. We should be docked in fifteen to twenty mikes.”
Lieutenant Gabriel hung upside down six feet above the deck of the cargo bay, his mag-locks holding him in place. His arms were wrapped tightly around Pfc. Chensi and he looked down at her, surprised to see her crying.
“You okay, Hitchiro?” he said. “Are you hurt?”
Chensi looked up at her platoon leader, wiping a tear from her eyes. “No, sir! I lost my flame-rifle! You know how much those things cost? I’ll never be able to pay for a new one with the shit that the corps is paying me!”
“You saved our asses down there,” said Gabriel. “We’ll buy you a new one!”
Chensi smiled weakly. “I’d rather have a promotion. Maybe a few days to hang out with you and Warrant Officer Nasri in Vegas?”
Lieutenant Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Will someone get this little turd off my hands so that I can get down from here?”
The USS Galveston City remained on station for an additional 48 hours over Willow’s World as the members of 4th Platoon underwent decontamination procedures. In that time, all of the platoons vid-cam footage was sent to the Fleet to be scrutinized and examined extensively by scientists, geologists, biologists, astrophysicists, and the clergy. The opposition politicians also wanted to examine the vid-cam footage as well to see if they could find evidence in which to convict the Marines (and, by association, their Commander-in Chief) of any heinous war crimes real or imaginary. With the USS Galveston City’s sensors functioning normally now that the entity had been weakened and its ‘beam-horn’ (as the Marines called it) was destroyed, the Galveston City was able to peer down into the dead area anomaly. The entity was still alive, alive being a relative term, and still stumbling around within the dead space which it presumably was responsible for creating. Apparently, the horned entity could not leave that area of dead space to set foot on the surrounding lush, living landscape. The prevailing theory was that the entity was not originally of this planet, having arrived sometime in the past and probably buried itself into the ground where it slowly began draining the life energy of its surroundings which, over time, expanded the deadness to over one hundred twenty miles in circumference. In the meantime, the entity had used its weird beam to snag any star ship which came into range and dragged it to its doom on the blasted rock formations below where the entity again fed off the life forces of those it had ensnared, reanimating the corpses whenever they were needed to do its bidding. Basically, it was a giant parasite.
Commander Travis had suggested using one of the Galveston’s tac-nukes on the creature, just in case it had the power to re-grow its beam horn again. But that was quickly shot down by the globo-corporations and their R and D departments who wanted to investigate the numerous wrecks of alien vessels which had been brought down in the dead space. They feared that a tac-nuke might damage the alien vessels which were no doubt holding advanced weapon development secrets that could benefit mankind.
For his part, Lieutenant Gabriel couldn’t care less. After they leave orbit and the K-Hawk gets underway for earth, Willow’s World and everything associated with it would be the USS Ranger’s problem. He was just happy that this deployment was finally over and that he would be returning with his entire platoon safe and intact. Oh, and that the two snot nosed VIPs were also safe and sound also, he guessed. They were both tucked away in Commander Travis’s own crew cabin since the corvette didn’t have an executive VIP suite. Groaning, Gabriel looked down at his data pad. He was sitting in the galley, enjoying a moment of alone time with a nice hot mug of coffee. He hadn’t even finished his report on the Mont Caberu mission and now he had to write a report about this one. Pfc. Chensi strolled up and sat across from him, setting down a tray of cereal on the metal table.
“Man, sir, these fleet guys know how to live,” she said, cutting up a fresh banana and strawberries to put in her cereal. “Maybe I joined the wrong branch?”
“You most definitely did not join the wrong branch, killer,” said Gabriel.
“I know,” said Chensi. “Oh, by the way, your eyebrows are growing in nicely, sir. Maybe you won’t look so hideous by the time we get back.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes up at her. “Is there a reason you’re sitting here picking on my eyebrows, Private?”
Chensi scooped a spoonful of fruit laden cereal into her mouth. “Yes, sir! Are you writing your report on our mission on Willow’s World?”
“I could be,” said Gabriel.
“Are you at the part when I dragged those two idiots… I mean, VIPs… up to the top of the wreckage and flamed all them dead things?”
“As a matter of fact,” said Gabriel, “I’m just getting to that part.”
“Great!” said Chensi. “Because I just wanted to make sure that you spelled the word ‘incinerate’ correctly.”

Jennifer Nasri stepped out of the shower, wrapped in one of the thick, soft, luxurious towels which made The Ultra Luxorious Hotel and Casino Complex towels the most stolen towels on the Las Vegas strip. It had been over forty days since they had successfully completed their mission to Willow’s World and three weeks after the USS Kitty Hawk docked at San Diego Orbital Naval Base before she and Samuel could finally start their three week vacation to Vegas. Yes, originally it was two weeks, but Seashell Killary had stunk up the cockpit of Jenn’s gunship again on the way back. Apparently, they only had caviar, sardines, and boiled eggs in that pantry they were trapped in for over a week. So naturally, Sam would have to cough up another week in Vegas. Secretly however, Jenn was hoping that by their third week in Vegas, Sam might get the hint that Jennifer Nasri-Gabriel had a nice ring to it. She walked from the steaming bathroom across to the Ultra Luxorious king sized bed with the thick, comfortable mattress.
Sam was lying in bed, already dressed in a red polo shirt and his favorite well worn faded blue jeans, waiting for Jenn to get out of the shower so that they could partake in what was fast becoming their favorite pastime since returning from over a year out in space: attacking the dinner buffet. Sam had the 74” vid-screen turned on to Galactic News Network. The image on the screen showed Seashell Killary wearing a tight fitting light blue pant suit combination standing together with Hunter Hyding, who was wearing a sharp looking black suit. The couple was on a large stage inside a crowded arena receiving medals, accolades and praise from their party leadership while thousands of people clapped and cheered. Red, white, and blue confetti fell from the rafters as veteran GNN senior reporter Runt Wolftard, the ‘most trusted news anchor in the galaxy’, sat at a desk and gave a glowing story of Seashell Killary and Hunter Hyding’s successful mission to Willow’s World.
“… and after taking a commanding position atop their crashed star cruiser,” Runt continued, “… Hunter Hyding and Seashell Killary rallied the platoon of panic stricken Marines which, ironically, were sent to rescue them. Though the Marines were wracked with fear at the sight of the unnamed danger, Hunter and Seashell used their natural born leadership gifts, undoubtedly passed to them by their parents, and led the Marines on a dangerous mission which successfully averted a tragedy on that planet. And even though the nature of the mission and the nature of the potential tragedy is considered classified,” Runt smiled knowingly into the camera, “some anonymous sources high up in government claimed that the unnamed potential tragedy was caused by none other than President Helania herself! Voters should keep this in mind when the elections roll around. I’m sure that if those thankful Marines were present here today, they would encourage all citizens in the galaxy to vote accordingly since clearly, this was all President Helania’s fault.”
Hunter Hyding was joined by his father on the stage, former Vice President Bunker Hyding and Seashell Killary was joined by her father, Senator William J. Killary as they announced their intention to run as president and vice president to defeat President Helania in the next election by any means necessary.
“Really, Sam?” said Jennifer, removing her towel and using it to dry her hair. “Eight thousand channels on cosmic-cable, one thousand of them porn channels, and this is what you’re watching?”
“It’s on all the channels, Jenn,” shrugged Samuel. “Even the porn ones.” He sighed, as if he had stepped boot deep into a steaming pile of xeno-droppings. “Still though, none of that galactic pomp and circumstance bullshit can compare to the little ceremony we had on the deck of the K-Hawk where we got to promote Sergeant Hernandez to Staff Sergeant and Pfc. Chensi to Lance Corporal. It’s nice, really. Forty-two of us deployed. Forty-two of us returned. Banged up. Probably scared for life. But drunk and happy, just the way we Marines like it.”
“Well, yeah, that’s true,” said Jenn, climbing on the bed and straddling Sam. With an aggravated groan, Jenn grabbed the remote out of Sam’s hand and pointed it at the vid-screen. “Just do me a favor,” she said, pressing the ‘off’ button. “For as long as we’re on earth, turn that GNN shit off!”
Marine Corps Rank Pronunciations
SSgt- Staff Sergeant (read as ‘staff sergeant’)
Sgt- Sergeant (read as ‘sergeant’)
Pvt- Private (read as ‘private’)
Pfc- Private First Class (read as ‘PFC’)
LCpl- Lance Corporal (read as ‘lance corporal’)
Cpl- Corporal (read as ‘corporal’)
1LT- First Lieutenant (read as First Lieutenant or Lieutenant)
4th Platoon, Delta Company
Platoon Leader- 1LT Samuel Gabriel (m)
Medic- LCpl. Chapman (m)
CommSpec- LCpl. Maggas (m)
1st Sqd:
Sqd- Ldr-SSgt. Boyer (m)
Tm Ldr- Sgt. Barlow (m)
Tm Ldr- Cpl. Hatcher (f)
Automatic Rifle Gunner- Pvt. Houser (m)
Asst. Automatic Rifle Gunner- Pvt. Barner (f)
2nd Sqd:
Sqd. Ldr- SSgt. Talley (f)
Tm Ldr- Cpl. Cotto (m)
Tm Ldr – Cpl. Parker (m)
3rd Sqd:
Sqd. Ldr- Sgt. Hernandez (m)
Flame-Rifle Gunner- Pfc. Chensi (f)
Tm Ldr- Sgt. Watson (f)
Tm Ldr- Cpl. Palkovic (m)
Rifleman- LCpl. Mixley
Warrant Officer Nasri
USS Kitty Hawk- assault carrier
USS Ranger- assault carrier
USS Galveston City- patrol corvette
CSNS Sydney Point- colonizer ship
CSNS New Castle- luxury cruiser
CSNS Mont Caberu- science freighter
submitted by Taxi_Dancer to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

Film Rankings with Explanations, Ratings, and Tiers

During quarantine, I've had the opportunity to rewatch every movie in relatively short succession. I've seen them all 2-10 times and have been a lifelong Bond fan. I enjoy every Bond film, even the "bad" ones, but I wanted to try and rank them. I used a scoring system to help me, but ultimately went with my gut (e.g. License to Kill MUST be better than The World is Not Enough). I thought a tier system of ranking was useful, because it really is splitting hairs to rank some of these. Feel free to critique my ratings, my ratings weightings, and opinions!

You could say I have too much time on my hands
Tier 7: The Worst
  1. Die Another Day: Best Sword Fight
- Why it's not irredeemable: For being the lowest ranked film on this list, it's not without its moments. Bond getting caught, tortured, then escaping from MI6 was interesting and novel. The ice hotel was neat, as well as the chase scene. I'll even defend the much maligned invisible car, as the Aston Martin Vanquish is quite a car.
- Why it's not higher: Personally, I think Halle Berry is a terrible Bond girl, alternating between damsel in distress and super woman as the plot demands it. Moreover, Graves and the plot in general is pretty cheesy and boring. Perhaps most damaging is the deadly serious tone of the movie, which doesn't even provide the fun and excitement Brosnan's films generally provide the viewer.
- Most under-appreciated part: The fencing scene is the best action scene of the entire movie. It's surprising it took Bond this long to fence, but seeing them go at it across the club was a blast.

Tier 6: Disappointing
  1. Quantum of Solace: Best Car Chase
- Why it's this high: The action is quite good, likely meriting the distinction of the best car chase in the entire series (the pre-credits sequence). Mathis is a good ally and it is sad to see him go.
- Why it's not higher: My biggest beef with Craig's Bond films is that they are too serious, so when the plot and script isn't top-notch, the movie watching experience is just kind of dull. Quantum of Solace takes a bold risk in making the first Bond sequel, but unfortunately it's just not that good. Greene seems like a rather pathetic Bond villain, and his henchman (the worst in the series?) ends up in a neck-brace after getting tripped by Camilla. Also, the shaky cam is distracting and exhausting.
- Most under-appreciated part: I actually thing the theme song is pretty good! Maybe I'm just too much of a Jack White groupie, but I think it rocks.

  1. Moonraker: Best Locales
- Why it's this high: I'm pleased to see Jaws making a return, as he is an amazing henchman. On that note, the pre-credits sequence with Bond and Jaws falling out of the plane is exhilarating. Holly Goodhead is a very good Bond girl, beautiful, smart, and competent. Roger Moore always does an excellent job playing the role with suavity and wit.
- Why it's not higher: Gosh it's cheesy. Particularly egregious is Jaws' love story. The theme song is terrible and Bond doesn't have any solid allies besides Goodhead and Jaws.
- Most under-appreciated part: They really go all out with the settings here. Obviously, space is pretty polarizing, but I think Bond clearly should go to space at SOME point during the series. In addition, Italy and Brazil were gorgeous views, while Drax's estate is magnificent.

  1. Spectre: Best Shooting
- Why it's this high: Rewatching this for the second time, I realized Lea Seydoux does a good job as the Bond girl, and it's actually quite believable she and James could work out, as she is the daughter of an assassin and can understand him (as Blofeld points out). Seeing Bond show off his marksmanship was quite satisfying, especially that one long shot during the escape from Blofeld's compound. Bonus points for Bond's DB10 and resurrecting the DB5.
- Why it's not higher: The fatal flaw of this film is making Blofeld Bond's adopted brother. How did Bond not recognize him? How is Blofeld able to keep himself secret from British intelligence yet every criminal worth his salt knows of him? The worst part is that it actually cheapens the plot of the other Craig movies. I believe the Bond franchise should stay clear from sequels from here on out. Yes, they can weave a great story if done correctly, but it's so much more difficult to make great sequels (e.g. Star Wars only made two worthy sequels in seven tries) than to do one-offs. As usual for a Craig film, Bond has little charisma (save for his surprisingly good rapport with Moneypenny) and little in the way of jokes to lighten the mood.
- Most under-appreciated part: The train fight scene with Dave Bautista is great! Gosh it was awesome to see them go at it, break through walls, and a priceless expression on Bautista's face when he knows he's done. Bautista is the first decent henchman since the 90s, so glad to see the series go back to this staple.

  1. The Man with the Golden Gun: Best Potential, Worst Execution
- Why it's this high: This Bond movie frustrates more than any other, as it has the potential to be an all-time great. Bond's debriefing starts off with promise, as it turns out the world's top assassin is gunning for Bond! For the first time in the series, Bond seems vulnerable! M makes a hilarious quip as to who would try to kill Bond ("jealous husbands ... the list is endless"). Furthermore, the legendary Christopher Lee is possible the best Bond villain, a rare peer of 007.
- Why it's not higher: Unfortunately, the movie opts to change course so that it's just Maud Adams trying to get Bond to kill Scaramanga. Goodnight is beautiful, but maybe the most inept Bond girl of all-time. They used a SLIDE WHISTLE, ruining one of the coolest Bond stunts ever (the car jump).
- Most under-appreciated part: Nick Nack is a splendid henchman, showing the role can be more than just a strongman.

  1. Diamonds Are Forever: Great Beginning and Ending, but Bad Everywhere Else
- Why it's this high: Is there another Bond with such a great contrast between the beginning/ending and everything in between? Connery shows his tough side, as he muscles his way through the pre-credits scene. Particularly good was the part where he seduces the woman, then uses her bikini top to choke her. At the end, Bond expertly uses his wine knowledge to detect something is amiss, then dispatches Kidd and Wint in style. Other cool scenes include Bond scaling the building to reach Blofeld and Bond driving the Mustang through the alley.
- Why it's not higher: This is one of the films that I find myself liking less and less over time. Vegas, and especially the space laboratory scene, just seem cheesy. Connery is officially too old at this point, and Jill St. John just isn't a very compelling Bond girl. I would've preferred to have seen more of Plenty O'Toole, but alas 'twas not meant to be. Leiter is uninspired as well. Having Bond go after Blofeld for the millionth time just seems tired at this point.
- Most under-appreciated part: Mr. Kidd and Wint are the creepiest henchmen in the Bond universe, but I'd argue they are some of the best. Their banter and creative modes of execution are quite chilling and thrilling.

  1. A View to a Kill: Best Theme
- Why it's this high: Is it a hot take to not have View in the bottom five? Let me explain. I contend Duran Duran's theme is the very best. The ending fight scene on the Golden Gate Bridge is actually one of the most iconic ending set pieces in the series. The plot is stellar on paper, as the horse racing part was a very Bondian side story, and the idea of an attack on Silicon Valley actually seems even more plausible today.
- Why it's not higher: It's self-evident that Moore is way too old for the part. Some parts are just mind-blowingly ridiculous, such as the fire truck chase scene through San Francisco and the part where Stacey is caught unaware by a blimp behind her. Speaking of Stacey, she may be beautiful, but she spends most of the movie shrieking whenever something goes wrong.
- Most under-appreciated part: The scene with Bond and Ivanova is cool (I always like it when he interacts with other spies) and quite entertaining how he fools her with the cassettes.

Tier 5: Below Average
  1. Octopussy: The Most Characteristically Roger Moore Bond Film
- Why it's this high: Maud Adams has great screen presence as Octopussy, and her Amazonian-like women are cool to watch fight. Bond's deft swipe of the egg was nicely done. On a related aside, I wish Bond films would emphasize Bond's intellect more, as it seems the 60s and 70s films would allow Bond to showcase his vast knowledge more frequently than he does today. Gobinda is a fierce henchman, while India in general is a cool location. The plot is realistic, yet grand (war-mongering Russian general tries to detonate a nuke to get NATO to turn on itself).
- Why it's not higher: This is the first Moore film where he simply was too old and shouldn't have been cast. Yes, it's too cheesy at times, most infamously during the Tarzan yell. Bond also doesn't use any cool vehicles.
- Most under-appreciated part: People tend to focus too much on Bond dressing as a clown, but the scene where Bond furiously tries to get to the bomb in time to defuse it is one of the tensest moments in the series. Moore's "Dammit there's a bomb in there!" really demonstrated the gravity of the situation (I get goosebumps during that part).

  1. Tomorrow Never Dies: Most Tasteful Humor
- Why it's this high: Brosnan really settles into the role well here. He gives the most charismatic Bond performance in 15 years or so. His quip "I'm just here at Oxford, brushing up on a little Danish" is an all-time great Bond line. Teri Hatcher is stunning as Paris Carver, delivering a memorable performance with her limited screen time. The plot is original and ages well, highlighting the potential downsides of media power, while Carver is an above average villain.
- Why it's not higher: Wai Lin is good for action, but the chemistry between her and Bond is non-existent. By the end of the movie, Pryce just seem silly (especially the scene where he mocks Wai Lin's martial arts skills). There aren't any good Bond allies, as Jack Wade doesn't impress in his return to the franchise. In general though, the movie has few things terribly wrong with it, it just doesn't excel in many ways.
- Most under-appreciated part: Dr. Kaufman is hysterical. At first, I thought "this is weird," but by the end of the scene I'm cracking up. I genuinely wish they found someway to bring him back for World, but c'est la vie.

  1. The World Is Not Enough: Less than the Sum of its Parts
- Why it's this high: According to my spreadsheet, this is a top 10 Bond film, while on my first watch on this film I thought it was bottom five. I think the truth is that it's somewhere in between. I like the settings, everything from the temporary MI-6 headquarters to Azerbaijan. Elektra is an all-time great Bond girl, with a nice plot twist and character arc. The glasses where Bond sees through women's clothing are hilarious. The sense of danger is strong, with everyone from Bond to M being in danger. The return of Zukovsky is a nice plus.
- Why it's not higher: I think two things really doom this film. First, Renard is totally wasted a henchman. The idea of him not feeling pain is a cool one, but he just seems boring and extraneous. I don't even think Carlyle acted poorly, he was just misused. Secondly, the ending (after Bond killing Elektra which is quite good) is rather terrible. The whole scene in the sub just isn't entertaining or engaging.
- Most under-appreciated part: I'm going to defend Denise Richards as Christmas Jones. Although no Ursula Andress, Richards is absolutely gorgeous and did not actively make Bond's mission more difficult, which is more than some Bond girls can say *cough Britt Ekland. In particular, I found her introductory scene to be quite memorable and convincing. Also, the Christmas quip at the end is quite cheeky.

Tier 4: Solid
  1. The Living Daylights:
- Why it's this high: Dalton brings a breath of fresh air to the franchise here. His more serious take makes for interesting movies that seem more unique than most. I'm happy to see this subreddit appreciate Dalton more than the casual fun does, but I wouldn't go as far as the Dalton fanboys and say he's the best Bond or anything like that. I do wish he got the role sooner and did more films. Moving on to Daylights, it's got a good intro for Dalton and good plot in general. Surprisingly, Bond's fidelity doesn't bother me one bit, as it actually makes sense that Kara falls in love with James by the end, given all they've gone through.
- Why it's not higher: The biggest reason is that the villain is just terrible. Whitaker seems silly and pathetic, a terrible contrast to Dalton's serious nature. I think Whitaker might be the worst in the series, and a Bond movie can't be great without a good villain. Also, Dalton doesn't have much charm and is abysmal at one-liners, which, in my opinion, IS a facet of the perfect James Bond.
- Most under-appreciated part: The Aston Martin Vantage is a beautiful car, and the chase scene across the ice is great! It's both exciting and funny! Not sure why people don't talk about this chase scene and this car more; it's arguably the highlight of the movie for me.

  1. Thunderball: The Most Beautiful
- Why it's this high: Thunderball used to be top five for me and here is why. The underwater scenes, the setting, the score, and the Bond girls are beautiful even to this day. Domino is excellent, while Volpe is a tour de force, oozing sexuality and danger. I think the underwater parts are interesting and novel, creating a staple of sorts for the franchise. The DB 5 is always welcome, and the jetpack use was quite cool for the time (and to some extent now).
- Why it's not higher: Some would say it's boring, while I would more generously admit the plot is slow. Furthermore, the theme song is all-time bad (apparently they could have used Johnny Cash!!!), and there is no great henchman for Bond to dispatch.
- Most under-appreciated part: Two plot ideas I liked a lot: Bond being injured and needing rehab, plus the part where all the 00s meet up and then are sent to the corners of the globe.

  1. Never Say Never Again: Guilty Pleasure
- Why it's this high: Rewatching Never for the third time, I was struck by how fun this movie is. It's exciting, funny, and fast-paced. Basically, it's a more exciting version of Thunderball, with better pacing and better humor. I think Irvin Kershner did a great job managing this star studded cast. Carrera is a firecracker as Blush, Sydow is a convincing Blofeld, and Basinger is a classic Bond girl. Connery clearly has a blast returning to the role, doing a great job despite his advanced age. If anything, this one might not be ranked high enough.
- Why it's not higher: The music is terrible. Normally I don't notice these things, but one can't help but notice how dreadful this one is. The theme is awful as well. I'd argue this is the worst music of any Bond film.
- Most under-appreciated part: The humor! This is one of the funniest Bonds, as I found myself laughing out loud at various parts (e.g. Mr Bean!).

  1. The Spy Who Loved Me: Best Intro
- Why it's this high: There's a lot to love about this one, so I get why this ranks highly for many. It is simply the best introduction, starting with Bond romancing a woman, followed by a skii chase, then jumping off the cliff and pulling the Union Jack parachute! The Lotus is a top 3 Bond car. Jaws is a superb henchman. Triple X was an excellent Bond girl, deadly, charming, and beautiful. Of course, Moore is charming and the locations are exotic (Egypt was a cool locale). If I had to pick one Moore movie for a newcomer to watch, it would be this one.
- Why it's not higher: The theme song is bad, and Stromberg is a below average villain. I also think the last 45 minutes or so of the movie kind of drags.
- Most under-appreciated part: The whole dynamic between Bond and Triple X is great. Whenever Bond movies show Bond squaring off against other spies (see View to a Kill, Goldeneye) it's just a pleasure to watch.

  1. Live and Let Die: Most Suave
- Why it's this high: Roger Moore superbly carves out his own take on Bond in an excellent addition to the franchise. The boat chase is my favorite in the series, and Live and Let Die is my second favorite theme. Jane Seymour is a good Bond girl, while Tee Hee and Kananga are a solid villain/henchman duo. Unpopular opinion: I find J.W. Pepper to be hilarious.
- Why it's not higher: The introduction isn't very good, as Bond isn't even included! The second climax with the voodoo isn't great. Bond blowing up Kananga has aged terribly.
- Most under-appreciated part: When Bond is visited in his apartment by M and Moneypenny, Bond rushes to hide his girl from his coworkers. Finally, when they leave and he unzips the dress with his magnetic watch is one of the best uses of a Bond gadget in the series, showcasing why Moore might be the most charming Bond of them all.

  1. You Only Live Twice: Best Blofeld
- Why it's this high: Just your classic, fun Sean Connery Bond movie. It was a great decision to send Bond to Japan for his first Asian visit, giving the movie a fresh feel. The ending set piece battle is potentially the best of this staple of 60s/70s Bonds. Tiger Tanaka is one of Bond's cooler allies. Pleasance killed it as Blofeld; when I think of Blofeld, I think of his take. In what could have been cheesy, he is actually somewhat frightening.
- Why it's not higher: The whole "we need to make you look Japanese" part seems both unrealistic (who is he really fooling?) plus surprisingly impotent coming from Tiger Tanaka who seems to be a competent and connected man otherwise. Honestly though, this movie doesn't have a major weakness.
- Most under-appreciated part: The fight scene with the guard in the executive's office is probably the best hand-to-hand fight in the series up until that point.

Tier 3: Excellent
  1. Dr. No: The Most Spy-Like
- Why it's this high: Nearly 60 years later, this film is still a blast to watch, due in no small part to its focus on the little things of being a spy. I adore the scenes where Bond does the little things spies (presumably) do, such as putting a hair across the door, or showing Bond playing solitaire while waiting to spring his trap on Prof. Dent. I also enjoy the suspense of Bond sleuthing around the island, while he and the viewer are completely unaware of whom the villain is until quite late in the film. It's easy to take for granted now, but this film established so many series traditions that were ingenious. My personal favorite is Bond's introduction at the card table: "Bond .... James Bond."
- Why it's not higher: The film just doesn't have the payoff it deserves. Maybe it's just a result of the time and budget, but from the point Bond escapes on, it's just mediocre. Particularly egregious is the "fight" between Dr. No and Bond where No meets his demise.
- Most under-appreciated part: Ursula Andress was a surprisingly well developed Bond girl, with a shockingly violent backstory (she was raped!). Obviously, she is beautiful and the beach scene is iconic, but I was pleasantly surprised to conclude she is more than just eye candy.

  1. License to Kill: The Grittiest
- Why it's this high: On my first watch, this was my least favorite Bond film, as I thought it was too dark and violent to befit 007. By my third time watching, I've decided it's actually one of the best. Fortunately, I don't have to go on my "Ackshually, Dalton did a good job" rant with this subreddit. I liked the wedding intro and the concept of a revenge arc for Leiter (although come on he should've been killed by a freaking shark). Also, Lamora and (especially) Bouvier are great Bond girls. Bouvier is both competent and beautiful, and it's great to see Bond choose her at the end.
- Why it's not higher: The theme song is atrocious, Dalton is so angry (dare I say charmless?) the whole time it's almost puzzling why Bouvier and Lamora fall for him, and Bond doesn't use any cool vehicles.
- Most under-appreciated part: Sanchez is actually a sneaky good Bond villain.

  1. For Your Eyes Only: The Most Underrated
- Why it's this high: I think Moore is a bit underrated as Bond. Yes, he was too old towards the end and yes, his movies were at times too campy, but he himself played the role admirably. He was the most charming and witty of all the Bonds, so by the time he got his first relatively serious plot to work with, he hit it out of the park. Anyhow, the climactic mountaintop assault is one of my favorite Bond action climaxes. Columbo is one of the best Bond allies, and the plot twist where he turns out to be good and Kristatos bad was well-done.
- Why it's not higher: The intro is just silly. Bibi's romantic infatuation with Bond is just uncomfortable?
- Most under-appreciated part: The theme song is a banger. What a chorus!

Tier 2: Exceptional
  1. Skyfall: The Sharpest Film (From Plot to Aesthetics)
- Why it's this high: One of the best plots of the entire series. The idea of an older Bond who had lost a step, along with making M the focus point of the movie, works very well. Seeing Bond's childhood home is also pretty cool. Bardem's take on Silva is delightful and a lot of fun to watch. Even the cinematography is a series peak, while Adele's them is excellent.
- Why it's not higher: One thing most Craig Bond films suffer from is the lack of a Bond-worthy henchman. Skyfall is no exception. More importantly, Bond girls are mostly irrelevant to the film. Yes, Severine is both beautiful and interesting, but she's scarcely twenty minutes of the film.
- Most under-appreciated part: Setting the new supporting characters up nicely. The Moneypenny backstory was well-done. Casting Ralph Fiennes as the new M is a great choice in of itself, but he also got a nice chuck of background story to help us going forward.

  1. Casino Royale: The First Bond Film I'd Show a Series Newcomer
- Why it's this high: Craig's take on Bond feels like a breath of fresh air. In particular, his hand-to-hand combat scenes are so much better (and more believable) than any other Bond. The parkour chase scene is one of the best chase scenes in the series. Le Chifre is an excellent villain, but, more importantly, Vesper is an all-time great Bond girl. The conversation between Vesper and Bond on the train is probably the most interesting of any film. Bonus points for Jeffrey Wright as Leiter and the Aston Martin DBS.
- Why it's not higher: There are hardly any humorous parts or much charm displayed by Bond in general. More importantly, the movie should have just ended when Bond wakes up in rehab. The rest of the movie feels confused and superfluous.
- Most under-appreciated part: The decision to change from chemin de fer to poker makes for much better (and understandable!) cinema. The poker scenes are the best of Bond's many gambling scenes throughout the series.

  1. Goldeneye: The Most Fun
- Why it's this high: Wow, rewatching Goldeneye I was struck by how entertaining the whole thing is. The opening jump is breath taking, the scene where Bond drives his evaluator around is hilarious, and Xenia Onatopp is a livewire. Sean Bean is a formidable villain as 006, and a great foil to James. Bond and Judi Dench's first scene together is amazing. Goldeneye feels like the first modern Bond, yet so true to the predecessors. Wade and especially Zukovsky are excellent allies.
- Why it's not higher: Simonova is a forgettable Bond girl. She's not annoying, unattractive, or acted poorly, but is just below average in most regards (looks, back story, chemistry with Bond, plot).
- Most under-appreciated part: the action is just so much better than any Bond before it

  1. From Russia with Love: The Best Henchman (Red Grant)
- Why it's this high: Interesting settings, beautiful women, and an engaging story make this a classic. I'm not the first to point out that the scenes with Grant and Bond aboard the train are some of the best in the entire series. Grant is one of the few villains who feels like a match for 007. Furthermore, the addition of Desmond Llewyn as Q was crucial and Kerim Bey is one of the better Bond allies.
- Why it's not higher: The helicopter scene should've just been omitted, especially when combined with the subsequent boat chase. It's just awkward to watch.
- Most under-appreciated part: The gypsy scenes are quite exotic and entertaining.

  1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service: The Most Heartfelt
- Why it's this high: James and Tracy's love story is charming, and when she dies at the end, this is the one and only time in the entire series where the viewer feels genuinely sad. Diana Rigg did an excellent job convincing the audience Bond could finally fall in love with one girl. The skiing scenes were beautifully filmed, and the score was exemplary. Personally, I quite liked Lazenby's take; however, some of his lines and jokes fall flat. To his credit, he looks and acts like Bond more than any other actor.
- Why it's not higher: Honestly, it does drag at times in the first half, plus there is no theme song!
- Most under-appreciated part: Bond's Aston Martin DBS is a beautiful car, combining 60's sports-car beauty with Aston Martin's elegance.

Tier 1: The Best
  1. Goldfinger: The quintessential Bond
- Why it's this high: From the opening ("Positively shocking") to the seduction of Pussy Galore at the end, this film has it all. Goldfinger is an all time great villain, while Odd Job is an exceptional henchman. Connery delivers a master performance, and drives THE classic Bond Car, ejector seat included. The reason I put it #1 is not necessarily because it is the best film (although it is great), it checks all the boxes of what a perfect Bond film should do.
- Why it's not higher: I cannot think of any notable imperfections.
- Most under-appreciated part: The golf scene between Bond and Goldfinger is a delight to watch, demonstrating Bond's wits for the first and only time on the golf course.
submitted by BoolaBoola19 to JamesBond [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Sept. 25, 2000

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-3-2000 1-10-2000 1-17-2000 1-24-2000
1-31-2000 2-7-2000 2-14-2000 2-21-2000
2-28-2000 3-6-2000 3-13-2000 3-20-2000
3-27-2000 4-3-2000 4-10-2000 4-17-2000
4-24-2000 5-1-2000 5-8-2000 5-15-2000
5-22-2000 5-29-2000 6-5-2000 6-12-2000
6-19-2000 6-26-2000 7-3-2000 7-10-2000
7-17-2000 7-24-2000 7-31-2000 8-7-2000
8-14-2000 8-21-2000 8-28-2000 9-4-2000
9-11-2000 9-18-2000
  • The Delaware Supreme Court ruled against the USA Network in their appeal to prevent WWF from accepting the Viacom deal. The decision makes it official that WWF is moving to TNN next week and ends the 17-year WWF/USA relationship. The appeal process has been lingering for over a month and because of it, USA, Viacom, WWF and ECW were all pretty much paralyzed and waiting to see how things turn out. But now that it's all finalized, ECW's final TNN show will air on 9/22 and the first Raw on TNN will air on 9/25. It doesn't give Viacom much of an opportunity to promote the move. They had set aside $7 million to promote Raw's TNN debut but because of the lingering court proceedings, they kept having to delay it and now there's almost no time. On Raw's final show on USA, Jim Ross mentioned repeatedly that this was the last episode on the network and plugged the move to TNN (and hyping that Austin will be there live). But that's pretty much it so far. During the next few days, you can expect Viacom to bombard all media outlets with as much promotion as they can cram into the short amount of time, but it's going to be impossible to promote it as much as they'd hoped to. And considering they're moving from the #1 rated network to the #15 rated network, they need all the promotion they can get.
  • Needless to say, this all gives WCW a golden opportunity to put their best foot forward for Nitro on 9/25 and hopefully gain some much-needed ground (in case you're want spoilers for next week, Russo uses this opportunity to make himself the WCW champion). In the short run, Raw's ratings will almost certainly fall, but in the long-run, being with Viacom is going to be hugely beneficial to WWF. As for ECW, this opens the door for them to continue negotiations with USA. They desperately need a TV deal, on a strong network, and most importantly, they need outside financial support if they are going to survive. Having a TV deal is useless if you can't afford the production costs. As mentioned last week, ECW missed payroll and has had to cancel several house shows due to the financial crunch they're under.
  • Also this week, TNN announced that it's renaming itself The National Network (instead of The Nashville Network) and will be moving its base of operations from Nashville to New York. They're planning to debut a new logo and target their programming to a more diverse audience. Dave recaps the history of WWF on the USA Network, dating back to 1982 when they aired monthly WWF MSG shows. Then WWF got a weekly show called All-American Wrestling on the network in 1983, which then became Prime Time Wrestling and Tuesday Night Titans, the creation of Raw in 1993, the Monday night wars, and now to this.
  • There was a frightening moment at WCW's Fall Brawl PPV with Paul Orndorff suffering a stinger that left him motionless in the ring. The good news is that it was only temporary paralysis. He was treated and released from the hospital that same night. It was reminiscent of the injuries suffered by Droz and Buff Bagwell in recent years, but fortunately for Orndorff, it didn't end up being as bad. There was immediate suspicion that the whole thing was a work, which Dave thinks is a pretty sad reflection of WCW these days. When Orndorff went down, everyone else in the match basically panicked and continued working the match on the other side of the ring, taking bumps that kept jarring the ring, all while the EMTs and trainer were trying to tend to Orndorff. Finally, almost 2 minutes after he collapsed, referee Charles Robinson finally took charge and ordered the match stopped. The match was scheduled to go several more minutes and run-ins were scheduled, but it all got scrapped when Robinson ended it. The injury happened when Orndorff tried to piledrive Mark Jindrak but Jindrak didn't go up correctly for the move. Orndorff had to deadweight lift him and when he did so, his hamstring went out. He completed the piledriver but landed awkwardly, causing something with his neck and spine to jam up and that was it. Dave talks about Orndorff's health problems over the year, specifically his arm injury that caused his right arm to atrophy severely and never recover. He retired twice before due to health issues (87 and 94) only to return both times when he probably shouldn't have. (This was his final match for 17 years. But it looks like he came out of retirement last year and worked a 6-man tag match at an indie show in Canada. But otherwise, this Fall Brawl match was the end of the road for Orndorff).
WATCH: Paul Orndorff injury at Fall Brawl 2000
  • This whole thing brings up questions about Nitro this week, which has a match scheduled between Booker T and Vince Russo. Just a few weeks ago, Russo suffered a concussion during an angle and has been dealing with headaches and such ever since, and it's probably not a good idea for him to be in the ring. They could probably work around it, but Dave thinks it's bad enough to have untrained people in there doing moves anyway, much less ones who are already injured. Dave notes the recent example of Kurt Angle wrestling on Smackdown 2 days after getting severely concussed at Summerslam, which he never should have done and led to him getting another concussion because you're always more susceptible to further concussions during the period after suffering one. Russo has openly claimed to have had 3 concussions in the last year and has only worked about 6 matches. If that's true, he probably shouldn't be in there taking bumps again. But maybe they'll book something safe that doesn't require it. Either way, Dave is just concerned about the overall safety of all these guys.
  • Oh yeah, other notes from Fall Brawl: crowd was 8,600 although only about half of that (4,311) was paid, the rest were freebies. Dave notes all the excitement people in WCW had last week when the Nitro rating was higher than usual, and points out how it obviously didn't mean dick when it comes to ticket sales. TV ratings are nice but it's a vanity metric. The real numbers that matter are the ones that make money. Ticket sales and PPV buys. And, well, those are still horrible. There was a guy in the crowd facing the hard cam who was seen constantly throughout the show wearing a Destroyer mask. Destroyer was a famous wrestler back in 60s and 70s who wore a red and white mask. Anyway....turns out that was the real Destroyer (real name Dick Beyer), just sitting in the crowd at a WCW PPV at 70 years old, still doing his old gimmick. Kevin Nash cut a promo earlier on the pre-show claiming he was hungover from hanging out at the bar last night and essentially telegraphing that he was going to lose his match (he did). Right after the Orndorff match, Shane Douglas cut a pre-match promo saying Kidman would be joining Paul Orndorff at the hospital. Even his partner Torrie Wilson seemed to drop her TV smile and give him a "what an asshole" look for that one. The scaffold for the scaffold match was way wider than any other ones before and the area underneath was padded and safe, but Torrie still seemed legitimately terrified up there. After Madusa took a bump off the scaffold (which the crowd booed because it was clearly gimmicked for safety), the announcers also tried to compare her injuries to Orndorff's injury earlier in the night. Dave is just disgusted. Torrie never took a bump off the scaffold, which was the original plan but she refused, and good for her Dave says. It would have meant nothing for the match anyway. Negative 1 star. They did a segment with David Flair beating up a mailman in his yard and Dave says the whole segment was actually hilarious and more interestingly, it was all David Flair's idea. ICP did commentary on Vampiro's match again, which once again was funny. Mike Awesome came out with former child actor Gary Coleman. There's been a lot of news stories lately about Coleman working as a security guard for $6 an hour these days, so at least WCW probably didn't have to spend a lot to get him. Naturally, he got involved in the match and it was hilarious because he knew he was going to take a guitar shot from Jarrett. So he had a hat on with a towel folded up in it to cushion the blow. But during the chaos, his hat got knocked off. So just before the guitar shot, he picked up his hat, calmly put the towel back in, put it back on, and took the hit. Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner was a shockingly good match and Dave gives it 4.25 stars. And of course, Booker T won the title from Nash in the main event.
WATCH: Fall Brawl 2000 highlights
  • We get the usual long obituary for Professor Toru Tanaka, one of the biggest heels of the 60s and 70s, who died at age 70 in California. Dave recaps his career and of course, he was a Hawaiian who got booked as a typical salt throwing Japanese heel. Worked for WWWF feuding with Sammartino, won titles in all the territories, etc. He also tells an interesting story from 1977 when Pat Patterson returned to the San Francisco territory after being gone for 8 months and was supposed to face Mr. Fuji in a show that ended up drawing 12,000 people. But Fuji had a falling out with promoter Roy Shire and left the territory 2 weeks before the match. So Shire brought in Tanaka and put him under a mask and tried to pass him off as the real Fuji. The crowd didn't buy it and the media got ahold of the story and started claiming fraud and the athletic commission got involved. Shire nearly lost his promoter's license but he claimed he didn't know and thought it was the real Fuji under the mask. Tanaka and Shire were both fined but the commission seemed to buy the story (others backed it up to protect Shire) and let them off with just the fine. The real Fuji caught all the heat and was legitimately banned by the commission for life from wrestling in California, but that was overturned in 1984.
  • The current plan for AJPW's Triple Crown title is to hold a tournament soon, which is expected to be won by Toshiaki Kawada, who will then defend the title against NJPW champion Sasaki in a title vs. title match at the Jan. 4th Tokyo Dome show. And the plan from there is for Kawada to get the surprising win, since most people don't expect NJPW to book their champion to lose to AJPW's champion. But the way Riki Choshu (NJPW booker) sees it, AJPW is pretty much doomed and he's not too concerned about them as competition anymore, and he's well aware that this inter-promotional feud is the only thing keeping AJPW alive right now. But there's still money in an AJPW/NJPW feud and they want to prolong it, so Kawada will have to win. The idea is to keep Kawada strong because NJPW loves the gimmick of a strongly booked outsider coming in and shaking things up. In the past, that person has been Naoya Ogawa but Choshu is tired of the headache that comes with dealing with Antonio Inoki and Ogawa because Inoki is intent on making Ogawa an unbeatable superman and NJPW can never get him to put anyone over. Choshu is pretty much trying to do anything he can to get Inoki's influence as far away from the company as possible. So the idea is to keep Kawada strong and milk this angle for all it's worth.
  • New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman officially signed into law the bill to regulate so-called "extreme wrestling." The bill bans children under 18 from attending extreme wrestling shows. It also adds an athletic commission tax to promotions running extreme shows, mandates an ambulance and 2 doctors must be on hand at every event, and even though it's a state law, the city officials where the show is to be held must specifically give permission for the event. This bill doesn't affect ECW, which was categorized as one of the 3 major companies which are exempt from the law. The bill is a not-so-subtle effort to drive Jersey All Pro Wrestling and Combat Zone Wrestling specifically out of the state, JAPW in particular. They're planning to still run shows but will be forced to get rid of bladejobs, no more light tubes or thumb tacks or barbed wire, etc. JAPW owner Frank Iadeavia has said they are considering legal action. But at this point, if they want to continue to run shows as they have, they're going to be forced to leave the state of New Jersey to do so.
  • Raw did well in the ratings again, facing stiff competition from the Olympics and Monday Night Football. But they had one segment that was a major bomb. Mick Foley came out, cutting a promo once again trying to get George W. Bush and Al Gore to appear on Smackdown for a debate. The segment was right before the main event and caused a full 700,000 homes to change the channel, which is an unheard of drop for a Raw episode. That led to the Rock/Undertaker main event that followed to be the lowest rated Raw main event of the year.
  • The Wrestling Observer Hotline has been officially killed off. 1-900 hotline numbers have been dying anyway and the numbers were down and Dave says more importantly, he needed to stop because he's so busy with the newsletter and the Eyada online radio show and wants to concentrate fully on those and the daily hotline stuff took up too much time.
  • Motoko Baba threatened a lawsuit against Nippon TV over their decision to drop AJPW and start airing NOAH instead, and due to the lawsuit, NOAH currently isn't airing on NTV, which is a major blow for the fledgling new company. In the meantime, Misawa has started negotiations with TV Tokyo, which is another one of the major networks in Japan.
  • Former WWF and ECW wrestler Nicole Bass made headlines after being arrested in New York after getting into an argument with someone on a street corner. It turned into a fight and when the police tried to break it up, she allegedly bit one of the cops. Bass was one of several people arrested.
  • Notes from OVW: Jim Ross did announcing on some of the shows there this week, because he was down there scouting talent. Shelton Benjamin is showing a lot of promise and Jim Cornette says Benjamin is progressing even faster than Kurt Angle and believes he's guaranteed to be a big star. Brock Lesnar still hasn't debuted on TV there yet but Bob Orton's son Randy Orton recently did. They're also strongly pushing Leviathan (real name Dave Bautista) and Jim Cornette predicts he will headline Wrestlemania within the next 5 years. (yup, exactly 5 years later in fact)
  • Ed Farhat, better known as The Sheik, is said to be in very grave condition. He's down to 150 pounds and can only communicate through blinking his eyes or lightly squeezing if you hold his hand (he ended up living another 2+ years after this. His Wikipedia page says he was working with a biographer and did extensive interviews before he died, with plans to have a book on his life released. But it says the interviews "provided a highly explosive look" into the business and as a result, the interviews and draft of the book were sealed at the time of his death and to this day it's never been released. Interesting. When I originally wrote this up a few months ago, I tweeted Dave about this and he responded saying he didn't know anything about it either. I'd love to find out more.)
  • The latest revival of Stampede Wrestling is in bad shape. They have no more shows scheduled and have only done 10 shows in the last few months. Their TV show has been airing old tapes rather than new episodes lately.
  • Ken Shamrock broke his silence on his recent PRIDE loss to Kazuyuki Fujita. Shamrock pretty much blamed himself and admitted he wasn't in proper shape to fight and said things happened which contributed to him not having time to train properly (he doesn't go into detail but I think Dave mentioned something in an earlier Observer but I can't find it right now. But I think Shamrock was going through some personal shit around this time. Something like a divorce or a custody battle or something. That doesn't get mentioned here, it's just something I vaguely remember reading awhile back, I might be wrong).
  • Nobuhiko Takada has announced he's going to face Igor Vovchanchyn at next month's PRIDE show and that if he doesn't win, he'll retire. Takada had a reputation as a shoot fighter from his years as the founder and star of UWFi, which was a worked shoot promotion. But then he started doing real shoots and it's been bad news ever since, including 2 high profile losses to Rickson Gracie. He's had a couple of wins, but they were worked matches. His real MMA fights have all been losses and Dave says the real fighters in PRIDE have pretty much no respect for Takada as an actual fighter. He doesn't like Takada's chances next month (indeed, Takada gets punched into submission in the 2nd round. But he still didn't retire).
  • Notes from Nitro: the building was mostly full, with not that many freebies. But only because it was a small arena that only holds about 5,000 people. It was also in Canada and the crowd was pretty much only there to see Lance Storm (who ended up jobbing to Jim Duggan in an undercard match) and Bret Hart (who wasn't there at all). They hated Goldberg with a passion, probably due to the Hart stuff, and booed him mercilessly.
  • On his personal website, Mark Madden apologized to Lou Thesz for his comment on Nitro last week where he joked that Lou Thesz beats up women. Madden said he was only joking and that he has a ton of respect for Thesz.
  • Pamela Paulshock apparently injured her ankle doing an angle on Thunder last week. Dave thinks it's bad enough when they have untrained wrestlers in there getting hurt, but now untrained ring announcers are getting hurt too.
  • WCW is pitching an angle for Vampiro to team with singer Billy Idol in a feud against Mike Awesome and David Cassidy, of Partridge Family fame (Never happened but.....yeah. That was a thing evidently).
  • Dave only has a couple of thoughts on this week's Thunder: he begs someone in WCW to PLEASE send Major Gunns to get acting lessons. He also wants someone to save Mike Awesome from a gimmick worse than the Red Rooster. And finally, I guess there's been a lot of commercials for the new Meet The Parents movie and Dave thinks it looks funny.
  • Various WCW notes: DDP is likely being brought back soon, though Kimberly won't be. Nitro Girl Spice was released. She was being groomed to co-host WCW's Saturday morning show, but then the show got canned and they didn't have anything else for her. And after being world champion for a couple of months, WCW has finally decided to start making some Booker T merch. Seems like a good idea to finally get around to. The Harris Twins taped segments for both the Maury Povich and Jenny Jones shows, no word on what they are or when they'll air. Goldberg will be on an episode of The Daily Show this week. Gene Okerlund is expected to be given a grumpy old man gimmick where he swears a lot.
  • Next month might be a surprisingly good month for WCW ticket wise. They have shows in Australia that are expected to do big numbers because Australia is so starved for wrestling that even WCW can do big business there. And they have a PPV in Las Vegas which will do good because the casinos are buying up a lot of tickets to give away.
  • Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner are reportedly being total team players right now, because there's concern that a regime change could come at any time (a lot of people are pushing for Johnny Ace to replace Vince Russo) and they're basically being on their best behavior until they see who their next new boss might be. The only person right now who's really stirring up shit is Goldberg, who is said to be openly pissed about pretty much everything and isn't shy about expressing it (yeah, even Goldberg has since admitted that he was frustrated and probably wasn't very pleasant to be around back then).
  • Scott Hall is expected to return to Nitro next week. Brad Siegel reportedly gave up on fighting with Nash about it and is willing to bring Hall back. Siegel and Hall spoke last week and Hall was basically told this is his last chance and if he fucks up one time, he's gone for good. Of course, Scott Steiner has been told that a dozen times in the past, so you know how that goes (Hall doesn't end up coming back. Not sure if it fell through or Dave got bad info or what, but it never happens).
  • They held a Miss WCW Pageant in Las Vegas last week with Carrot Top as one of the judges and of course there was a bikini contest. Nitro Girl Chae ended up winning over Torrie Wilson, Major Gunns, Baby, Chiquita, Midajah and Stacy Keibler. Pamela Paulshock was supposed to be in it but no-showed due to her ankle injury (there's some good catty drama coming out of this in the next week or two).
  • So the deal with Konnan is....pretty messed up, actually. He had tricep surgery a few months ago and has no business back in the ring yet. But WCW cut his paycheck in half so....he came back and he's wrestling. But here's the problem. The doctors still haven't given him a medical release yet because, well, they're doctors and he's still fucked up. They're like, "" Anyway, because he doesn't have his medical release, WCW is still only giving him half his pay. But they're still allowing him to wrestle. He's hoping to get a medical release this week so he can start getting full checks again. Dave just thinks this whole policy is so screwed up on so many ways.
  • Disqo Inferno has been bringing out some plastic duck to the ring called the Disqo Duck. (I should stop for a second and explain something for the younger readers. R&B singer Sisqo had a HUGE hit called "Thong Song" around this time and WCW, in their infinite wisdom, capitalized by changing the spelling of Disco to Disqo.) Anyway, the duck is fucking stupid and apparently at Nitro this week, Konnan literally handcuffed himself to the duck backstage to try and keep Disqo Inferno from taking it out to the ring. Someone had to try to save him from himself.
  • Jeremy Borash will be doing announcing at this week's Thunder tapings. Dave says there's a lot of heat here because Borash is close to Vince Russo, so he's getting a lot of chances to do things like commentary even though he hasn't really earned it yet and hasn't shown any real aptitude for it. Dave says if Borash ends up replacing one of the main announcers on Nitro, there'll probably be a meltdown.
  • Steve Austin and Debra got married last week in Las Vegas (fun fact: same wedding chapel Triple H and a drugged out Stephanie McMahon got married in. Funner fact: also the same wedding chapel I got married in).
  • The plan for Sunday Night Heat, now that it's moving to MTV, is for it to be more of a humor and skit type show, with a lot of Tom Green-style humor (oh man, 2000 was such a weird time). They want to bring in musical guests and celebrities for it and will do a lot of the stuff from the WWF New York restaurant as well as at MTV's Times Square headquarters.
  • Notes from Raw: a lot of the show was built around trying to seemingly bury Kurt Angle, by turning him into a goofy heel character and implying that he's gay. They showed a lot of footage of him crying at the Olympics and had Triple H make fun of him and all that stuff. Dave thinks it's a pretty weird thing to do one week before the biggest match of Angle's career (he's got a No DQ match with Triple H at next week's PPV) and sure didn't do him any favors for people taking him seriously. Hugh Hefner was on to plug Chyna's upcoming Playboy appearance and Dave thinks it's nice that Playboy and WWF could come together again in the interest of making money after all the nasty legal issues they had with the Sable fallout. And finally, Steve Regal debuted.
  • Since we were talking about WCW's injury policy, Dave decides to let us know what WWF's policy is. A WWF wrestler that is out with an injury receives their downside guarantee. WWF contracts give you a guarantee (say, $300,000 per year for example) but you can make a lot more money on the road because everyone gets a cut of house show gates and PPV revenue and whatnot. So if you're injured and not on the road, you won't get all that extra money, but you still make the $300,000 guarantee. Of course, that leads to the same incentive for guys to sometimes come back before they're ready, because they're losing money by being at home, but from everyone who talks to Dave, there's not nearly as much pressure from the WWF to hurry up and come back as there is in WCW.
  • Various WWF notes: Big Boss Man will be out for a few weeks after having his knee scoped. Grand Master Sexay needed 14 stitches in his ear after getting legit cut from the belt shot on Raw. Tori should be back in Oct. or early November after shoulder surgery. Billy Gunn should be back in a few weeks. Road Dogg's wife had surgery for a collapsed lung so he's out tending to her. Davey Boy Smith was in a motorcycle accident last week and Dave says if you know how many times Smith has been in and out of the hospital this year, it would scare you to death.
  • Four different wrestling promotions have videos in the Billboard Top 20 charts....and none of them are WCW. Of course, WWF is all over the charts with their various releases taking up 12 of the 20 spots. ECW has videos at #5 and #7. XPW, which currently isn't running new shows and doesn't even have a building to run shows in right now, has videos at #12 and #19. And Insane Clown Posse's JCW promotion has a video at #13. All that, but no WCW.
  • Kurt Angle and Taka Michinoku worked a UPW show in California along with a few other WWF developmental signees who started out at the UPW school (I decided to look it up and see who else of note worked that show: Franie Kazarian, Simon Dean, Rocky Romero, Mike Knox, Vic Grimes, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, and John Cena were all on the card. 2000/2001-era UPW had a ton of future stars come through the doors).
  • One of the XFL teams is already moving before it even starts. The San Jose Demons have now been renamed the San Francisco Demons and will be playing in San Fran after negotiations with Spartan Stadium in San Jose fell apart. Dave thinks it might be a bad move. San Jose is a wealthier community with a large population and their hockey and soccer franchises do huge business. San Francisco already has a major team in every sport and he doesn't know if a B-level football team is going to draw as well there as it would have in San Jose. He also notes that in the spring, the weather is a lot warmer in San Jose at night than it is in San Francisco, and California isn't exactly the type of place where people want to sit out in the cold weather at night and watch football games. This isn't Green Bay or Chicago where freezing to death for football is almost a tradition (the cities are, like, an hour apart so I can't imagine the weather is that much different? Although I guess San Francisco is right there on the bay so maybe wind? I dunno. Anyone from the area care to chime in?)
  • A New York newspaper reported that Vince McMahon tried to stop VH1 from airing an episode of "The List" because the show featured appearances by Kevin Nash, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Sting, and other WCW stars. VH1 is owned by Viacom, which now owns 3% of WWF's stock and McMahon decided to try to throw his weight around and get the episode canned. Didn't work and it actually was one of the highest rated episodes of the show ever. But he did succeed in getting VH1 to agree to not air reruns of that episode. A WWF spokesman responded to the story, saying, "It is highly unlikely that took place. It's not something we would do." But of course, you'll note that they didn't outright deny it and the idea that Vince McMahon wouldn't do something like that is laughable since he has a long history of doing exactly that sort of thing.
  • The Slam! Wrestling website wrote an article criticizing the WWF policy of not allowing wrestlers to do interviews with other websites without company approval because they see all other websites as competition to their own site. The article noted they had an interview with Gerald Brisco awhile back and Brisco told them he could talk freely about his pre-WWF years but if it has to do with WWF, he'd have to clear it with the office. Jim Ross responded on his WWF website column, saying not a single interview request has come across their desk from any other wrestling websites. Dave talks about when the policy was put in place and says WWF told him he could still get anyone he wanted to interview on the Observer website, but he would need to go through the office first. Since that time, Dave says he's talked to wrestlers who agreed to appear, but when he tried to get it cleared by the office, it stalled and has been pending approval ever since with no answer sooooooo......
  • WWF is wanting Big Show to drop down to 400 pounds. At his heaviest in WCW he was 505 and currently weighs a legit 480.
  • Someone writes in with a conspiracy theory. He thinks Shane McMahon's death-defying fall from the TitanTron at Summerslam was done to prove a point given the upcoming Owen Hart wrongful death lawsuit, with the idea being that the WWF side can point to it as an example that, "See! Even Vince McMahon's son is sometimes asked to perform stunts like this and they're usually done safely." Dave responds, saying that normally he'd think that's reading too much into things. But the day after Summerslam, several people in WWF as well as a couple of legal experts he talked to all had basically the same theory and said they wouldn't be surprised if it gets brought up in the trial. But time will tell, Dave says.
  • Dave Lagana writes in, talking his experience working on "Friends" and talking about how most TV shows are written by writing teams and how stories are crafted in TV writing rooms and so on and so forth. Basically, it leads to the one big question every writer, booker, and performer should ask themselves: how will the audience react to the long-term story? Not how loud the momentary pop is or how much you were able to swerve the audience with a surprise that doesn't make any sense, etc. The point he's trying to make is that Vince Russo is doing literally everything wrong and he has no idea how to write television. He's also pretty fed up with Russo's constant everything-is-a-shoot booking, where they openly acknowledge scripts and bookers and shit in every segment. He's not the only one.
  • Lots of letters talking about what a total trainwreck WCW is. Russo isn't the only problem. From management to marketing, the ball is being dropped everywhere. None of the stories are coherent. Characters change gimmicks or go from face to heel from week-to-week with no explanation, fans have no idea what's happening. Wrestlers themselves are out of control backstage. Merchandising is dead. Basically, the ship is sinking and the worst part is that nobody seems to care. Everyone is just drilling more holes in the ship. Even when they luck into something that works, they always manage to fuck it up immediately. So there's all that. But also, a lot of piling on Russo from a lot of people who think he's killing the company.
MONDAY: Raw debuts on TNN, Steve Austin returns, ECW not yet cancelled on TNN after all, WWF Unforgiven fallout, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

I found a surveillance video that I definitely was not supposed to find.

I was just hired as a surveillance tech for a very prominent casino in Las Vegas. As the new guy, I was tasked with going through some older video files and erasing anything that was no longer relevant to the safety of the business. I found a folder labeled as "sub basement 11" the first video shows a woman and a large man in suits interrogating an orange clad prisoner in ankle and wrist cuffs. Here's a transcription of the conversation.
Female Agent: Mr. Adams, you must realize the charges against you. The mountain of evidence that was at the scene of your… experience… will put you on the short track for lethal injection. They only reason your not there now is that your case is…of interest… so some very important people. For this reason, you are being allowed to testify to my partner and I.
Mr. Adams: SIGH OK I’ll tell you same thing I told the detectives and the judge because it’s the truth.
Scott, Rhett and I had been friends since high school. Because our lives were so busy with school, work, kids and everything in between we would always schedule a full week every year that we would get together and go hunting. We usually went during the deer hunt in the mountains near our small home town but this was out tenth year of doing this and we decided we were going to do this in style. We booked a week at a huge private ranch in Montana which was stocked with multiple large elk herds that were specifically bred to have massive bulls.
As we made our way up a rocky dirt road to our high alpine camp site, 20 miles from the main lodge, the guide was giving us a few pointers on where we might go and which areas usually had shown larger bulls on the trail cameras. We pulled up into a large clearing in a grove of aspens which housed a large heated tent and a small stable holding a few decently new ATV’s.
The guide got everything set up for us and started a large fire. We had selected a package in which the guide wouldn’t be staying with us but would set up a gps with waypoints of some of his best spots to hunt, a satellite phone we could use to call him for any reason, and an I-phone that was connected to every trail cam in the area. We thanked him kindly and watch as the dust from his jeep began to settle on the road out of camp.
We unpacked and got everything ready for the next day and hunkered down with our cots placed near the wood burning stove in the tent. We had a few shots for whiskey and told stories about past adventures and laughed until our sides hurt. We knew the adventure was just beginning.
The next day was fairly uneventful with us seeing a huge heard and following them for a while but only seeing a few smaller bulls amongst the mass of cows. The next two days were much of the same, with a few targets becoming available but not the true trophies that we were looking for. Some what disappointed, were eating dinner round the fire on Wednesday evening and Rhett was oddly quiet. He was always the first to throw out a “that’s what she said” joke and to generally entertain us with his off the cuff rambling comedy. That night however he hadn’t said a word since we had gotten back to camp. He sat a little farther away from the fire than normal and kept turning his head like he was listening to something.
When I asked him what was up, he explained that he heard something up on the mountain that day, something like far away but very deep drums. He said they made him feel…. uneasy, and that for some reason he had this tremendous fear that they would be coming back.
I patted him on the back and reminded him that being up at this kind of altitude can mess with your head sometimes. I joked that even if we did hear drums, we should probably send out some smoke signals that said “bring more beer”. Rhett gave a half-hearted chuckle and nodded and we all headed to bed.
The next morning Scott and I awoke to a wide, open tent flap and no sign of Rhett. We began yelling for him and searching nearby. After a few minutes we found one of his boots, then another, then eventually a trail of his clothes and belongings that wound through the trees and brush. The trail ended at the base on a large pine tree that had invaded the stand of aspens. With no other signs we thought the trail had gone cold when all of the sudden I heard a gasp and subsequent gagging from Scott. When I asked him, what was the matter all he could do was point up.
There, halfway up the trunk was Rhett. He was naked and obviously dead but the most terribly puzzling thing was that he was stuck IN the trunk, not stuck ON to, but IN to the trunk. The top half of his torso came out the side of trunk like it was a large fleshy branch and the bottom half came out at an odd angle as if his two rigor mortised legs were reaching up for sunlight like the rest of the tree’s limbs. As soon as I saw it I wretched just as Scott had and we both decided to head back to camp and get on the sat phone immediately.
Back at camp we found that things had been ransacked. The tent was in shreds, our food was splayed out in the dirt and some of the ATV’s were over turned. As I searched for our valuables, I noticed that all three of our guns were gone and my hear sank when I found the sat phone. pieces of it were pressed into the muddy forest floor in an odd pattern that looked to be two wavy lines surrounded by a circle.
We were inspecting the one ATV that looked the least damaged when Scott said “It was drums that Rhett heard right?” “I think I’m hearing them now”
I strained to listen but all I could hear was the rustle of aspen leaves.
“Arhhggggg!” Scott cried and he knelt down in pain holding his ears “it’s so loud make it stop!”
In a panic I pulled Scott onto the ATV and miraculously it started. Scotts limp body bobbed in front of me as I flew down the rocky pass. I knew we were only twenty miles from the lodge. At this rate we would have help in no time. The road was criss crossed with braking bumps and rain ruts and it was getting so rough I almost didn’t feel Scotts body start to twitch. Suddenly a white hot pain exploded at my face as the back of Scotts head slammed into my nose. I instinctively let go of the controls and the quad began to roll. Scott and I were both thrown free of the vehicles path but my head hit the road with a dull thwack. Black crept into the periphery of my eyes as I began to lose consciousness. The last thing I saw was Scott halfway crawling towards me.
I awoke next to a roaring fire in a tight clearing. My eyes began to come into focus and I saw Scott sitting against a tree hunched over. He seemed to be holding something and eating it ravenously. He soon looked up with his round bespectacled face and said “oh good your up, I was so worried that you had expired”. He smiled and I saw the edges of his mouth stretch literally ear to ear showing a blood covered rows of jagged sharp teeth. It was then I saw what he had been eating, It was his own hands. Where they had once been the two bones off his fore harms jutted out like grotesque spears. He leaned over to the nearest rock and began to sharpen them and began to chuckle.
“To think, all this time I had no idea was real love was, now that I’m with them its glaringly obvious how much I didn’t know” It was then I noticed the beat. It was quite soft at first but it was increasing in volume. Thud Thud Doom, Thud Thud Doom. The drums seemed to come from a long way off, Thud Thud Doom,Thud Thud Doom, then they seemed to spread out until they fully encircled the clearing THUD THUD DOOM, THUD THUD DOOM. “They are here!” a crazed and elated Scott screamed raising his bloody stumps to the sky.
Just as he said this his lips began to curl and almost crawl up the front of his face and down his neck. The flesh sizzled as the lips looked to be melting to the rest of the skin.
Eventually his entire head was nothing but a mangled mess of indistinct flesh and a gapping smiling mouth full of rows and rows of needle like teeth jutting out at odd angles. THUD THUD DOOM!! THUD THUD DOOOM!
The shadows between the trees began to shift and I began to see figures that mirrored the thing that used to be Scott exactly except their clothes seemed to be from all different eras. They all smacked their bony hand less arms together in time with the drum.
The beats were so loud now I couldn’t think straight, blood began to trickle out of my eyes, ears, and nose. DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! DOOOM! DOOOOOOOM!
The edges of my vision shook with each beat and the I began to see the forest in front of me begin to distort and curve and growing within the center was a blackness. The growing abyss was so dark that it seemed like all the sadness, pain, and feverish insanity that could ever be contained in this world radiated from it. Trying to focus I realized the inky lightlessness was a mouth, a great, gaping, maw that emanated the sounds of the drums. The body around the mouth was… difficult to conceptualize. I could recognize a pulsating mass of fur, bone, horn, and feathers but it seemed like it was all held together by what I could only describe as a pure unaltered rage.
The drumming was so loud now that it encompassed my entire being. It was all that there was in the world. Everything else was empty. So empty. Empty and black.
Next thing I knew I was locked up at the sheriffs office, was found guilty in court, and then woke up here in this stupid plexi-glass room of yours. You have to believe me I did not murder my friends.
Female Agent: So, your saying that someone else force fed you your friend Scott’s hands? The DNA test after your stomach was pumped was a match. And your hand prints were all over the inside of your tent stamped in Rhett Wilsons blood. The amount that was there would show that there is no way that he is still alive. Mr. Adams: Please… I’m not a cannibal. You have to help me, all you have done so far is tell me what everyone else thinks I’ve done. And does your partner even speak?
Male Agent: I do, Mr. Adams. If we took you back to the ranch do you think you could retrace your steps to where this all happened?
Mr. Adams:Maybe, but I’ll never go back there.
Male Agent: You don’t have a choice Mr. Adams. And were not with the Government. Agent Johns get the car ready. We’ve got work to do.
submitted by TheMadMolar to nosleep [link] [comments]

Cord Cutters Guide to Motorsports - 2019 (Sorry it's little late)

 **Cord Cutters Guide to Motorsports - 2019** 

Table of Contents -


NASCAR - Cup, xFinity, Trucks (Over the air listings) NASCAR - Online resources ARCA Racing NHRA Indycar Races (Over the air listings) Indycar - Online resources IMSA 24 Hrs Le Mans World Rally Championship (WRC) F1 British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC) German Touring Car Championship FIA WTCR Series FIA World Rallycross Championship 24hr Series Asian LeMans Series European LeMans Series Virgin Australia Supercars Australian ECB Super Utes Race of Champions (ROC) Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing SCCA Goodwood 24Hrs of LeMons
List of online/streaming motorsports content providers and podcasts
Introduction If you’re reading this, you’re likely a motorsports fan interested in “cutting the cord”, and may be worried about not being able to watch your favorite races if you do tell your cable or satellite provider, to “shove it”. Or, maybe you recently cut the cord, and now you’re panicking, wondering how you'll watch all of your favorite racing now that you’ve returned the cable box to the cable company? The past few years, I’ve tried to put together as complete a list of on-line and OTA resources as possible, and share it here, at the CordKillers Reddit. I can’t promise that’s it’s 100% complete, but I can tell you I’ve done a lot of research into this subject, and anything/everything I’ve found is here for you to use, and hopefully you’ll find it all somewhat useful.
I would suggest that if you’re even half the motorsports fan that I am, that you consider taking some of the money you won’t be sending to your cable company, and spend it going to some races at your local short tracks. Dirt or pavement, it’s likely that not too far away from you, every weekend, there’s exciting racing to watch, live and in person. Countless people work hard to put on that show every week, from the track owner, the track promoters, the safety crews, the racers, and their friends and family that help them every week. Take some time to attend a local short track race near you in 2019. If you visit any in Northwest Florida, you may even bump into me!
I would also suggest that if you’re as interested in motorsports as I assume you are, taking the time to read all of this, that you look at joining the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). You’ll find a wide range of options that will allow you to get more involved in motorsports.
If you don’t see anything interesting there, check out this article from Grassroots Motorsports, outlining even more options to go from watching to participating in motorsports you love:
And, if you’re a small business owner, looking for a way to promote your business, you won’t find a more passionate group of potential customers than motorsports fans. Hey, you already know this, you are a motorsports fan! Consider contacting your local track and inquiring about sponsoring part of their facility, or a local driver.
If you’re looking for opportunities to sponsor a driver to market your business, consider contacting Melinda Sewell and Melissa Collins at They have a driveteam for every budget.
And, if you’ve read this far, be sure to check out the YouTube version of the Guide! I’ll be re-booting it this year and will be featuring services and devices my 70+ year old parents are using as new cord-cutters who love motorsports.
And now, “The List”


Over the Air -

While many NACAR races will be on Fox and NBC’s cable sports channels, some races will be broadcast and available over the air.

Scheduled NASCAR Sprint Cup races to be available *over-the-air *-

02/17/19 - Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway (Fox - 2:30pm EST) 02/24/19 - Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway (Fox - 2pm EST) 03/03/19 - Pennzoil 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3:30pm EST) 03/10/19 - TicketGuardian 500 at ISM Raceway (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/17/19 - Auto Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/31/19 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 500 at Texas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3pm EDT) 04/13/19 - Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond International Raceway (Fox - 7pm EDT) 04/28/19 - GEICO 500 at Talladega Superspeedway (Fox - 2pm EDT) 05/26/19 - Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (Fox - 6pm EDT) 07/06/19 - Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona International Speedway (NBC - 7:30pm EDT) 09/08/19 - Big Machine Vodka 400 Brickyard (NBC - 2pm EDT) 09/29/19 - Bank of America ROVAL 400 - Charlotte Motor Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 10/13/19 - 1000Bulbs.con 500 at Talladega SuperSpeedway (NBC - 2pm EDT) 10/20/19 - Hollywood Casino 400 - Kansas Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 11/10/19 - Can-Am 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (NBC - 2:30pm EST) 11/17/19 - Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway (NBC - 3pm EST)

NASCAR xFinity Series - available over-the-air -

08/03/19 - Zippo 200 at The Glen - Watkins Glen International (NBC) 08/31/19 - Sport Clips Haircuts VFW 200 - Darlington Raceway (NBC) 10/19/19 - Kansas Lottery 300 - Kansas Speedway (NBC) 11/09/19 - NASCAR Xfinity Series Race at ISM Raceway - ISM Raceway (NBC)

NASCAR Camping World Truck Series - available over-the-air -

03/23/19 - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Truck Series Race at Martinsville - Martinsville, VA (FOX) 07/27/19 - Gander Outdoors 150 - Pocono Raceway (FOX)
NASCAR has gotten better in recent years, providing fans with on-line access.

NASCAR online content

1. NASCAR Mobile - (iOS and Android) NASCAR news. Live content (in-car radio, live leaderboards, live-in-car cameras, “Battle Cam”,etc, $29.99/yr in-app purchase) Note, the "Battle Cam" view is often the exact video you'd be watching live on the TV broadcast.
I use this app constantly, often muting the TV and turning up the live-in-car audio from my favorite driver. While testing several options with my recently cord-cutting parents, we used an iPad to stream the “Battle Cam” view to their TV, while listening to either the MRN radio feed or their favorite drivers in-car audio.
2. NASCAR Raceview - iOS app and web - live, animated, views of NASCAR races, in-car audio - What are the subscription costs for NASCAR RACEVIEW?
NASCAR RACEVIEW MOBILE Premium Subscription Options:
  • One-Time, Mobile only Yearly Subscription of $29.99 for the entire 2017 NASCAR Season
  • Mobile only Monthly Recurring Subscription of $4.99 (Auto-Renewable)
  • One-Time, Mobile and Desktop Combination Purchase of $79.99 for the entire 2019 NASCAR Season
  • Mobile and Desktop Combination Monthly Recurring Subscription of $9.99 (Auto-Renewable)
3. NASCAR Drive -
Live streaming of in-car video of NASCAR Sprint Cup and xFinity races.
4. NASCAR also has full race replays on it's YouTube page, usually 7 days after the race. Highlights are usually available 24hrs after the race broadcast -
5. NEW IN 2019 - FansChoiceTV Will Live Stream all NASCAR Regional Series Races in 2019! (Free!) This includes K&N East Series, the K&N West Series, as well as the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Series! All 2018 races from these series are available on the site now.
Radio/Streaming audio - You can tune into live streaming audio (radio simulcasts) of NASCAR races at -
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Both YouTubeTV and Sony Playstation Vue seem to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.
For NASCAR fans outside the US and Canada there’s a new way to watch NASCAR racing in 2019. NASCAR TrackPass. NASCAR TrackPass will offer live and on-demand streaming of all 38 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series™ and 33 NASCAR XFINITY Series™ events in 2019. No word on other NASCAR series (Trucks, K&N, EURO, etc). If you live in one of the 120 countries the service will be available in, and don’t mind the $125/yr price, this may be the streaming service you’ve been waiting for.

ARCA Racing

Access to live streaming audio and timing and scoring -
ARCA races available on-demand on Lucas Oil Racing


Live Timing - NHRA Videos -

Indycar Races - available over-the-air -

No, I didn’t forget about the Indycar Series fans!
Here is the schedule of Indycar Races that will be available over-the-air (8 of 17 2019 races will air on local NBC stations)
5/11 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course NBC
5/26 103rd Indianapolis 500 NBC
6/1 Street of Detroit - Race 1 NBC
6/2 Street of Detroit - Race 2 NBC
6/23 Road America NBC
7/28 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course NBC
9/1 Portland International Raceway NBC
9/22 WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca NBC

Indycar Online Content

The entire Indycar season will be available to stream with a NBC Sports Gold “Indycar” package.

United Sports Car Series

2019 brings IMSA racing to a new home on NBC/NBCSN/CNBC.
There will be two IMSA races broadcast OTA on local NBC stations:
07/07/19 - Sports Car Grand Prix at Canadian Motorsports Park - 1pm EDT 09/15/19 - WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca - 5pm EDT 10/12/19 - The first 3 hours of the Motul Petit Le Mans will also air on local NBC affiliates 12pm EDT
For fans outside the US, check the IMSA app for live streaming of all IMSA/United Sports Car Series and Continental Tire Challenge Series races.
IMSA TV does stream full replays of all races, with NBC taking over from Fox, we will have to wait and see if replays will be available after 24-48 hours as in the past, or if there will be a longer delay with the new broadcast partner.
Update - The Replay of the Rolex24 in Daytona was posted the Thursday after the race.
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

2019 24 Hrs Le Mans
iOS and Android apps are available, from which you can purchase a $9.99 pass for just the 2019 24Hrs of LeMans streaming video, or a $29.99 pass for the entire WEC (FIA World Endurance Championship) racing season.

Continental Tire Challenge

Every Continental Tire Challenge race will be streamed live in its entirety on and the IMSA mobile app. - See more at:

World Rally Championship (WRC)

WRC offers a subscription service, WRC+ that offers access to live video content, as well as race replays.
EUR 49.99,- per year for the annual subscription.
As in past, a discount code is available, "WRC2019”.


F1 Offers a live streaming service with two levels of access with both monthly and annual plans. F1 TV Access $2.99/mo, $26.99/yr, and F1 TV Pro $11.99/mo, $99.99/yr Content can be accessed either with a web browser or mobile app.

British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC)

Races available on the iTV Player
Video highlights available on the web site.

DTM Championship

Video replays available at
Also available on -


FIA World Rallycross Championship

24hr Series

24hr Endurance Series

Asian LeMans Series

Asian LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

Virgin Australia Supercars

39.95AU membership for live video
Also available on -

Australian ECB Super Utes

Available on -

Race of Champions (ROC)

Available on -
The 2018 ROC is available on-demand on the website and AppleTV app, the 2019 should be available to live stream to subscribers and also on-demand after.
UPDATE: Live stream doesn’t seem to be working on the Motortrend AppleTV app, but is working on the website.

Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing

The single best option to find video content of your favorite short track racing events is


Speed51 offers monthly and yearly paid memberships. The yearly membership includes a 10% discount on all major PPV Live Race content. Speed 51 has expanded it’s live broadcasts of short track racing quite a bit in the past year or two. Yes, the majority of the content, like the Snowball Derby, is PPV, but when you consider that this is racing that you otherwise wouldn’t get to see at all, unless you were at the track, it’s a great service at a great price. If you're a motorsports fan, and want more cord cutting-friendly options, you should really support them and find a PPV event you'd like to watch this year.
$7.99/mo $59.99/yr (Includes 10% discount on PPV events)

Racing Boys TV

The other site broadcasting some great short track racing, is They once again will air PPV coverage of the first 5 days of preliminary racing for the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals. Premium memberships cost $6.50/mo or $50/yr
Check out Lucas Oil Racing TV to watch the C-Mains->A-Main racing at the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals!

Additional On-Line resources for short track racing content


If you're looking for more short track racing, check out the IMCA.
Access to IMCA Video is $24.95/mo


Live and on-demand PPV short track racing, including Legend Cars/INEX races. Different pricing tiers for different quality videos, season passes or single races, depending on race series and venue..

The Cushion Free account required to purchase PPV races. $79.99/year account includes access to all Video-On-Demand (VOD) Content covering all major Sprint Car racing from across the country.
Minimum10% Discount on every individual Live PPV broadcast purchase
875+ Videos-On-Demand including Cushion Original programs like the 410 Build Show

Lucas Oil Racing TV

Another option for getting your racing fix on-line is For $99/yr you get access to -
Live and on-demand coverage of the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals, one of the biggest dirt racing events all year, every year ARCA Racing Series AMA Flat Track AMERICAN SPRINT CAR SERIES ASB - AMERICAN SPRINT BOAT AUSTRALASIAN SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP BEST IN THE DESERT BRITISH F1 SIDECAR CHAMPIONSHIP Bojangles' Summer Shootout (Legends Cars / Bandoleros) DAVE DESPAIN SHOW DRAG BOAT RACING SERIES F4 British Championship F4 US Championship FIA F4 Ginetta Supercup LATE MODEL DIRT SERIES MODIFIED SERIES OPTIMA - SEARCH FOR THE ULTIMATE STREET CAR 2018 PRO MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP
As well as car shows like “Two Guys Garage”, “My Classic Car”, and “Chop Cut Rebuild”

USAC Racing Monthly Membership
For only $9.95 a month, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from across the country! USD 9.95 Yearly Membership
Best Value for only $99.95 a year, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from coast to coast. USD 99.95

Legend Cars/INEX

Some past events, like the Bojangle’s Summer Shoot-Out from 2016 can be found at:

PitRow.TV offers some Legend Car and Bandellero racing, as Live and on-demand PPV streams.

As always has lots of great short track racing, including the K&N East and West, the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Series, and the World Series of Asphalt at New Smyrna Speedway, FOR FREE!

The 2018 SCCA Runoffs are available on the SCCA website -✓&order=recently_added&search=2018+runoffs
The SCCA has on-demand video of the SCCA Runoffs from 2009-2018
The 2019 SCCA Runoffs should also be available on the SCCA Website this fall 2019.

Goodwood Videos (Revival, Festival of Speed, etc)

24Hrs of LeMons
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR and IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

List of online/streaming motorsports content providers

Speed51 -
Race22 -
Lucas Oil Racing -
Motor Trend - $4.99/mo
Fans Choice TV -
The Cushion

Great Motorsports Podcasts you should check out!

PETM Racing Podcast -
Jeff Gluck's Racing Podcast -
Dirty Mo Radio Network Podcasts -
Lapped Traffic Podcast -
The Cordcutter's Guide to Motorsports - (Why does that sound familiar?)


submitted by perfectface4radio to CordKillers [link] [comments]

(DRAFT) 2019 Cord-cutter's Guide to Motorsports

 **Cord Cutters Guide to Motorsports - 2019 (DRAFT) ** 

Table of Contents -


NASCAR - Cup, xFinity, Trucks (Over the air listings) NASCAR - Online resources ARCA Racing NHRA Indycar Races (Over the air listings) Indycar - Online resources IMSA 24 Hrs Le Mans World Rally Championship (WRC) F1 British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC) German Touring Car Championship FIA WTCR Series FIA World Rallycross Championship 24hr Series Asian LeMans Series European LeMans Series Virgin Australia Supercars Australian ECB Super Utes Race of Champions (ROC) Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing SCCA Goodwood 24Hrs of LeMons
List of online/streaming motorsports content providers and podcasts
Introduction If you’re reading this, you’re likely a motorsports fan interested in “cutting the cord”, and may be worried about not being able to watch your favorite races if you do tell your cable or satellite provider, to “shove it”. Or, maybe you recently cut the cord, and now you’re panicking, wondering how you'll watch all of your favorite racing now that you’ve returned the cable box to the cable company? The past few years, I’ve tried to put together as complete a list of on-line and OTA resources as possible, and share it here, at the CordKillers Reddit. I can’t promise that’s it’s 100% complete, but I can tell you I’ve done a lot of research into this subject, and anything/everything I’ve found is here for you to use, and hopefully you’ll find it all somewhat useful.
I would suggest that if you’re even half the motorsports fan that I am, that you consider taking some of the money you won’t be sending to your cable company, and spend it going to some races at your local short tracks. Dirt or pavement, it’s likely that not too far away from you, every weekend, there’s exciting racing to watch, live and in person. Countless people work hard to put on that show every week, from the track owner, the track promoters, the safety crews, the racers, and their friends and family that help them every week. Take some time to attend a local short track race near you in 2019. If you visit any in Northwest Florida, you may even bump into me!
I would also suggest that if you’re as interested in motorsports as I assume you are, taking the time to read all of this, that you look at joining the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America). You’ll find a wide range of options that will allow you to get more involved in motorsports.
If you don’t see anything interesting there, check out this article from Grassroots Motorsports, outlining even more options to go from watching to participating in motorsports you love:
And, if you’re a small business owner, looking for a way to promote your business, you won’t find a more passionate group of potential customers than motorsports fans. Hey, you already know this, you are a motorsports fan! Consider contacting your local track and inquiring about sponsoring part of their facility, or a local driver.
If you’re looking for opportunities to sponsor a driver to market your business, consider contacting Melinda Sewell and Melissa Collins at They have a driveteam for every budget.
And, if you’ve read this far, be sure to check out the YouTube version of the Guide! I’ve re-booted it this year and will be featuring services and devices my 73 year old parents are using as new cord-cutters who love motorsports.
And now, “The List”


Over the Air -

While many NACAR races will be on Fox and NBC’s cable sports channels, some races will be broadcast and available over the air.

Scheduled NASCAR Sprint Cup races to be available *over-the-air *-

02/17/19 - Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway (Fox - 2:30pm EST) 02/24/19 - Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway (Fox - 2pm EST) 03/03/19 - Pennzoil 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3:30pm EST) 03/10/19 - TicketGuardian 500 at ISM Raceway (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/17/19 - Auto Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (Fox - 3:30pm EDT) 03/31/19 - O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 500 at Texas Motor Speedway (Fox - 3pm EDT) 04/13/19 - Toyota Owners 400 at Richmond International Raceway (Fox - 7pm EDT) 04/28/19 - GEICO 500 at Talladega Superspeedway (Fox - 2pm EDT) 05/26/19 - Coca-Cola 600 at Charlotte Motor Speedway (Fox - 6pm EDT) 07/06/19 - Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona International Speedway (NBC - 7:30pm EDT) 09/08/19 - Big Machine Vodka 400 Brickyard (NBC - 2pm EDT) 09/29/19 - Bank of America ROVAL 400 - Charlotte Motor Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 10/13/19 - 1000Bulbs.con 500 at Talladega SuperSpeedway (NBC - 2pm EDT) 10/20/19 - Hollywood Casino 400 - Kansas Speedway (NBC - 2:30pm EDT) 11/10/19 - Can-Am 500 at Phoenix International Raceway (NBC - 2:30pm EST) 11/17/19 - Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway (NBC - 3pm EST)

NASCAR xFinity Series - available over-the-air -

(Placeholder until NASCAR releases 2019 info)
03/18/17 - Axalta Faster. DC Solar 200 Phoenix International Raceway - Avondale, AZ (FOX) 04/08/17 - Cowboy 300 Texas Motor Speedway - Fort Worth, TX (FOX) 05/06/17 - Sparks Energy 300 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX) 06/10/17 - Pocono 250 Pocono Raceway - Long Pond, PA (FOX) 07/29/17 - US Cellular 250 Iowa Speedway - Newton, IA (NBC) 08/27/17 - Road America 180 - Elkart Lake, WI (NBC) 10/05/17 - Kansas Lottery 300 Kansas Speedway - Kansas City, KS (NBC) 11/11/17 - Ticket Galaxy 200 Phoenix International Raceway - Avondale, AZ (NBC)

NASCAR Camping World Truck Series - available over-the-air -

(Placeholder until NASCAR releases 2019 info) ** Edit: Fox added two additional OTA dates after I posted! **
04/01/17 - ALPHA ENERGY SOLUTIONS 250 - Martinsville, VA (FOX) 07/29/17 - Pocono 150 - Pocono Raceway (FOX) 10/14/17 - Fred's 250 Talladega Superspeedway - Talladega, AL (FOX)
NASCAR has gotten better in recent years, providing fans with on-line access.

NASCAR online content

1. NASCAR Mobile - (iOS and Android) NASCAR news. Live content (in-car radio, live leaderboards, live-in-car cameras, “Battle Cam”,etc, $29.99/yr in-app purchase) Note, the "Battle Cam" view is often the exact video you'd be watching live on the TV broadcast.
I use this app constantly, often muting the TV and turning up the live-in-car audio from my favorite driver. While testing several options with my recently cord-cutting parents, we used an iPad to stream the “Battle Cam” view to their TV, while listening to either the MRN radio feed or their favorite drivers in-car audio.
2. NASCAR Raceview - iOS app and web - live, animated, views of NASCAR races, in-car audio - What are the subscription costs for NASCAR RACEVIEW MOBILE?
$4.99 per month via iTunes or Google Play (Pricing may change for 2019) $39.99 per season via iTunes or Google Play (Pricing may change for 2019)
3. NASCAR Drive -
Live streaming of in-car video of NASCAR Sprint Cup and xFinity races.
4. NASCAR also has full race replays on it's YouTube page, usually 7 days after the race. Highlights are usually available 24hrs after the race broadcast -
Radio/Streaming audio - You can tune into live streaming audio (radio simulcasts) of NASCAR races at -
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.
For NASCAR fans outside the US and Canada there’s a new way to watch NASCAR racing in 2019. NASCAR TrackPass. NASCAR TrackPass will offer live and on-demand streaming of all 38 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series™ and 33 NASCAR XFINITY Series™ events in 2019. No word on other NASCAR series (Trucks, K&N, EURO, etc). If you live in one of the 120 countries the service will be available in, and don’t mind the $125/yr price, this may be the streaming service you’ve been waiting for.

ARCA Racing

Access to live streaming audio and timing and scoring -
ARCA races available on-demand on Lucas Oil Racing


Live Timing - NHRA Videos -

Indycar Races - available over-the-air -

No, I didn’t forget about the Indycar Series fans!
Here is the schedule of Indycar Races that will be available over-the-air (8 of 17 2019 races will air on local NBC stations)
5/11 Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course NBC
5/26 103rd Indianapolis 500 NBC
6/1 Street of Detroit - Race 1 NBC
6/2 Street of Detroit - Race 2 NBC
6/23 Road America NBC
7/28 Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course NBC
9/1 Portland International Raceway NBC
9/22 WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca NBC

Indycar Online Content

The entire Indycar season will be available to stream with a NBC Sports Gold “Indycar” package.

United Sports Car Series

2019 brings IMSA racing to a new home on NBC/NBCSN/CNBC.
There will be two IMSA races broadcast OTA on local NBC stations:
07/07/19 - Sports Car Grand Prix at Canadian Motorsports Park - 1pm EDT 09/15/19 - WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca - 5pm EDT 10/12/19 - The first 3 hours of the Motul Petit Le Mans will also air on local NBC affiliates 12pm EDT
For fans outside the US, check the IMSA app for live streaming of all IMSA/United Sports Car Series and Continental Tire Challenge Series races.
IMSA TV does stream full replays of all races, with NBC taking over from Fox, we will have to wait and see if replays will be available after 24-48 hours as in the past, or if there will be a longer delay with the new broadcast partner.
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

2019 24 Hrs Le Mans
iOS and Android apps are available, from which you can purchase a $9.99 pass for just the 2019 24Hrs of LeMans streaming video, or a $29.99 pass for the entire WEC (FIA World Endurance Championship) racing season.

Continental Tire Challenge

Every Continental Tire Challenge race will be streamed live in its entirety on and the IMSA mobile app. - See more at:

World Rally Championship (WRC)

WRC offers a subscription service, WRC+ that offers access to live video content, as well as race replays.
EUR 49.99,- per year for the annual subscription.
As in past, a discount code is available, "WRC2019”.


F1 Offers a live streaming service with two levels of access with both monthly and annual plans. F1 TV Access $2.99/mo, $26.99/yr, and F1 TV Pro $11.99/mo, $99.99/yr Content can be accessed either with a web browser or mobile app.

British Touring Car Championship - (BTCC)

Races available on the iTV Player
Video highlights available on the web site.

DTM Championship

Video replays available at
Also available on -


FIA World Rallycross Championship

24hr Series

24hr Endurance Series

Asian LeMans Series

Asian LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

European LeMans Series

Virgin Australia Supercars

39.95AU membership for live video
Also available on -

Australian ECB Super Utes

Available on -

Race of Champions (ROC)

Available on -
The 2018 ROC is available on-demand on the website and AppleTV app, the 2019 should be available to live stream to subscribers and also on-demand after.
UPDATE: Live stream doesn’t seem to be working on the Motortrend AppleTV app, but is working on the website.

Short Track (Dirt and Paved oval) racing

The single best option to find video content of your favorite short track racing events is


Speed51 offers monthly and yearly paid memberships. The yearly membership includes a 10% discount on all major PPV Live Race content. Speed 51 has expanded it’s live broadcasts of short track racing quite a bit in the past year or two. Yes, the majority of the content, like the Snowball Derby, is PPV, but when you consider that this is racing that you otherwise wouldn’t get to see at all, unless you were at the track, it’s a great service at a great price. If you're a motorsports fan, and want more cord cutting-friendly options, you should really support them and find a PPV event you'd like to watch this year.
$7.99/mo $59.99/yr (Includes 10% discount on PPV events)

Racing Boys TV

The other site broadcasting some great short track racing, is They once again will air PPV coverage of the first 5 days of preliminary racing for the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals. Premium memberships cost $6.50/mo or $50/yr
Check out Lucas Oil Racing TV to watch the C-Mains->A-Main racing at the 2019 Chili Bowl Nationals!

Additional On-Line resources for short track racing content


If you're looking for more short track racing, check out the IMCA.
Access to IMCA Video is $24.95/mo


Live and on-demand PPV short track racing, including Legend Cars/INEX races. Different pricing tiers for different quality videos, season passes or single races, depending on race series and venue..

The Cushion Free account required to purchase PPV races. $79.99/year account includes access to all Video-On-Demand (VOD) Content covering all major Sprint Car racing from across the country.
Minimum10% Discount on every individual Live PPV broadcast purchase
875+ Videos-On-Demand including Cushion Original programs like the 410 Build Show

Lucas Oil Racing TV

Another option for getting your racing fix on-line is For $99/yr you get access to -
Live and on-demand coverage of the Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals, one of the biggest dirt racing events all year, every year ARCA Racing Series AMA Flat Track AMERICAN SPRINT CAR SERIES ASB - AMERICAN SPRINT BOAT AUSTRALASIAN SUPERBIKE CHAMPIONSHIP BEST IN THE DESERT BRITISH F1 SIDECAR CHAMPIONSHIP Bojangles' Summer Shootout (Legends Cars / Bandoleros) DAVE DESPAIN SHOW DRAG BOAT RACING SERIES F4 British Championship F4 US Championship FIA F4 Ginetta Supercup LATE MODEL DIRT SERIES MODIFIED SERIES OPTIMA - SEARCH FOR THE ULTIMATE STREET CAR 2018 PRO MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP
As well as car shows like “Two Guys Garage”, “My Classic Car”, and “Chop Cut Rebuild”

USAC Racing Monthly Membership
For only $9.95 a month, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from across the country! USD 9.95 Yearly Membership
Best Value for only $99.95 a year, access to everything USAC Racing and Loudpedal Productions from coast to coast. USD 99.95

Legend Cars/INEX

Some past events, like the Bojangle’s Summer Shoot-Out from 2016 can be found at:

PitRow.TV offers some Legend Car and Bandellero racing, as Live and on-demand PPV streams.

As always has lots of great short track racing, including the World Series of Asphalt at New Smyrna Speedway, FOR FREE!

The 2018 SCCA Runoffs are available on the SCCA website -✓&order=recently_added&search=2018+runoffs
The SCCA has on-demand video of the SCCA Runoffs from 2009-2018
The 2019 SCCA Runoffs should also be available on the SCCA Website this fall 2019.

Goodwood Videos (Revival, Festival of Speed, etc)

24Hrs of LeMons
Streaming Television Providers - For cordcutting Motorsports fans, especially NASCAR and IMSA fans, the 3 streaming TV providers are good options to consider. As of this update, Sony Playstation Vue seems to offer the best “Bang-for-the-buck” for Motorsports fans.

List of online/streaming motorsports content providers

Speed51 -
Race22 -
Lucas Oil Racing -
Motor Trend - $4.99/mo
Fans Choice TV -
The Cushion

Great Motorsports Podcasts you should check out!

PETM Racing Podcast -
Jeff Gluck's Racing Podcast -
Dirty Mo Radio Network Podcasts -
Lapped Traffic Podcast -
The Cordcutter's Guide to Motorsports - (Why does that sound familiar?)


submitted by perfectface4radio to CordKillers [link] [comments]

r/StockMarket Daily Discussion - Wednesday, Oct. 31st, 2018 [Happy Halloween!]

Good morning traders of the StockMarket sub! Welcome to Wednesday! Happy Halloween! Here are your pre-market stock movers & news this AM-


Frontrunning: October 31st


































  • FB
  • IQ
  • GM
  • ACAD
  • FEYE
  • S
  • DXR
  • YUM
  • CLVS
  • ICPT
  • TMUS
  • EBAY
  • GRMN
  • ESRX
  • HES
  • BAX
  • K
  • SPR
  • ANTM
  • WEC
  • ICE
  • SAIA
  • EL
  • EA
  • DIA
  • NTLA
  • BG
  • ACB
  • NVDA
  • IGT


General Motors – The automaker reported adjusted quarterly profit of $1.87 per share, well above the consensus estimate of $1.25 a share. Revenue also beat forecasts, and GM expects to hit the top end of its projected earnings outlook for the full year. GM's results were helped by higher prices in North America.


Anthem – The health insurer earned an adjusted $3.81 per share for the third quarter, 11 cents a share above estimates. Revenue also cam in above forecasts and Anthem increased its full-year forecast amid a rise in medical enrollment and favorable medical cost trends.


Clorox – The household products maker earned $1.62 per share for its latest quarter, 4 cents a share above estimates. Revenue also topped forecasts, however Clorox lowered its full-year outlook, citing cost pressures and unfavorable currency trends.


Estee Lauder – Estee Lauder beat estimates by 19 cents a share, with quarterly profit of $1.41 per share. Revenue also came in above Street projections. The cosmetics maker saw stronger demand for its luxury skincare products, and also raised its quarterly dividend to 43 cents per share from 38 cents.


Garmin – The maker of GPS products earned an adjusted $1 per share for its latest quarter, beating the 76 cents a share consensus estimate. Revenue also beat expectations and Garmin raised its full-year earnings forecast amid sales growth across all its product segments.


Yum Brands – The parent of KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut beat estimates by 21 cents a share, with adjusted quarterly profit of $1.04 per share. Revenue also came in above estimates. Pizza Hut sales fell, but KFC and Taco Bell saw better-than-expected same-store sales growth.


Facebook – Facebook reported quarterly profit of $1.76 per share, beating consensus estimates by 29 cents a share. Revenue came in slightly below forecasts, as did its user growth, but Facebook also showed better-than-expected expense control in its latest quarterly numbers.


Electronic Arts – Electronic Arts earned 83 cents per share for its fiscal second quarter, well above the consensus estimate of 58 cents per share. The video game publisher's revenue also came in above forecasts, however the shares are being pressured by weaker-than-expected guidance for net bookings — a metric combining physical and digital sales.


T-Mobile US – T-Mobile beat estimates by 8 cents a share, with quarterly profit of 93 cents per share. The mobile service provider's revenue also came in above forecasts. T-Mobile's results were driven by the addition of 774,000 postpaid phone customers during the quarter.


Amgen – Amgen reported adjusted quarterly earnings of $3.69 per share, 24 cents a share above Street forecasts. The biotech firm saw revenue beat estimates as well, and it also raised its full-year guidance. However, Amgen is also seeing lower-than-expected sales of drugs like cholesterol treatment Repatha because of price concessions.


MGM Resorts – MGM came in 5 cents a share ahead of estimates, with adjusted quarterly profit of 24 cents per share. Revenue also came in above forecasts and the casino operator saw better-than-expected revenue in Las Vegas, but its China revenue did not meet forecasts.


Yum China – Yum China reported quarterly earnings of 51 cents per share, 6 cents a share above estimates. The restaurant operator's revenue missed forecasts, however, as comparable-store sales fell by one percent compared to a year earlier. Yum China also announced a 2 cent a share dividend increase to 12 cents per share, and also increased its stock buyback plan.


Cheesecake Factory – Cheesecake Factory beat estimates by 4 cents a share, reporting adjusted quarterly profit of 62 cents per share. The restaurant chain's revenue came in below Street forecasts, however, as comparable-restaurant sales increased by a lower than expected 1.5 percent.


EBay – EBay reported adjusted quarterly profit of 56 cents per share, 2 cents a share above estimates. The online marketplace operator's revenue was in line with forecasts. EBay saw a 5 percent increase in gross merchandise volume, and a 7 percent revenue jump at its StubHub ticket selling unit.


FireEye – FireEye earned an adjusted 6 cents per share for its latest quarter, tripling the consensus estimate of 2 cents a share. The cybersecurity company reported better-than-expected revenue as well, as it signed up more subscribers.


Baidu – Baidu issued a lower-than-expected sales forecast for the remainder of the year, with the China-based search engine operator citing uncertainty over the economy, trade issues, and tougher regulations.


Arconic – Arconic is in advanced talks to be bought by private-equity firm Apollo Global, according to sources quoted by Reuters. The reported price for the aluminum products maker would be more than $11 billion.




bigbear0083 has no positions in any stocks mentioned. Reddit, moderators, and the author do not advise making investment decisions based on discussion in these posts. Analysis is not subject to validation and users take action at their own risk. bigbear0083 is an admin at the financial forums where this content was originally posted.


What is on everyone's radar for today's trading day ahead here at StockMarket?

I hope you all have an excellent trading day ahead today on this Wednesday, October 31st, 2018! :)

submitted by bigbear0083 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

(10/31) - Wednesday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

Good morning traders of the stocks sub! Welcome to Wednesday! Happy Halloween! Here are your pre-market stock movers & news this AM-

Frontrunning: October 31st


































  • FB
  • IQ
  • GM
  • ACAD
  • FEYE
  • S
  • DXR
  • YUM
  • CLVS
  • ICPT
  • TMUS
  • EBAY
  • GRMN
  • ESRX
  • HES
  • BAX
  • K
  • SPR
  • ANTM
  • WEC
  • ICE
  • SAIA
  • EL
  • EA
  • DIA
  • NTLA
  • BG
  • ACB
  • NVDA
  • IGT


General Motors – The automaker reported adjusted quarterly profit of $1.87 per share, well above the consensus estimate of $1.25 a share. Revenue also beat forecasts, and GM expects to hit the top end of its projected earnings outlook for the full year. GM's results were helped by higher prices in North America.


Anthem – The health insurer earned an adjusted $3.81 per share for the third quarter, 11 cents a share above estimates. Revenue also cam in above forecasts and Anthem increased its full-year forecast amid a rise in medical enrollment and favorable medical cost trends.


Clorox – The household products maker earned $1.62 per share for its latest quarter, 4 cents a share above estimates. Revenue also topped forecasts, however Clorox lowered its full-year outlook, citing cost pressures and unfavorable currency trends.


Estee Lauder – Estee Lauder beat estimates by 19 cents a share, with quarterly profit of $1.41 per share. Revenue also came in above Street projections. The cosmetics maker saw stronger demand for its luxury skincare products, and also raised its quarterly dividend to 43 cents per share from 38 cents.


Garmin – The maker of GPS products earned an adjusted $1 per share for its latest quarter, beating the 76 cents a share consensus estimate. Revenue also beat expectations and Garmin raised its full-year earnings forecast amid sales growth across all its product segments.


Yum Brands – The parent of KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut beat estimates by 21 cents a share, with adjusted quarterly profit of $1.04 per share. Revenue also came in above estimates. Pizza Hut sales fell, but KFC and Taco Bell saw better-than-expected same-store sales growth.


Facebook – Facebook reported quarterly profit of $1.76 per share, beating consensus estimates by 29 cents a share. Revenue came in slightly below forecasts, as did its user growth, but Facebook also showed better-than-expected expense control in its latest quarterly numbers.


Electronic Arts – Electronic Arts earned 83 cents per share for its fiscal second quarter, well above the consensus estimate of 58 cents per share. The video game publisher's revenue also came in above forecasts, however the shares are being pressured by weaker-than-expected guidance for net bookings — a metric combining physical and digital sales.


T-Mobile US – T-Mobile beat estimates by 8 cents a share, with quarterly profit of 93 cents per share. The mobile service provider's revenue also came in above forecasts. T-Mobile's results were driven by the addition of 774,000 postpaid phone customers during the quarter.


Amgen – Amgen reported adjusted quarterly earnings of $3.69 per share, 24 cents a share above Street forecasts. The biotech firm saw revenue beat estimates as well, and it also raised its full-year guidance. However, Amgen is also seeing lower-than-expected sales of drugs like cholesterol treatment Repatha because of price concessions.


MGM Resorts – MGM came in 5 cents a share ahead of estimates, with adjusted quarterly profit of 24 cents per share. Revenue also came in above forecasts and the casino operator saw better-than-expected revenue in Las Vegas, but its China revenue did not meet forecasts.


Yum China – Yum China reported quarterly earnings of 51 cents per share, 6 cents a share above estimates. The restaurant operator's revenue missed forecasts, however, as comparable-store sales fell by one percent compared to a year earlier. Yum China also announced a 2 cent a share dividend increase to 12 cents per share, and also increased its stock buyback plan.


Cheesecake Factory – Cheesecake Factory beat estimates by 4 cents a share, reporting adjusted quarterly profit of 62 cents per share. The restaurant chain's revenue came in below Street forecasts, however, as comparable-restaurant sales increased by a lower than expected 1.5 percent.


EBay – EBay reported adjusted quarterly profit of 56 cents per share, 2 cents a share above estimates. The online marketplace operator's revenue was in line with forecasts. EBay saw a 5 percent increase in gross merchandise volume, and a 7 percent revenue jump at its StubHub ticket selling unit.


FireEye – FireEye earned an adjusted 6 cents per share for its latest quarter, tripling the consensus estimate of 2 cents a share. The cybersecurity company reported better-than-expected revenue as well, as it signed up more subscribers.


Baidu – Baidu issued a lower-than-expected sales forecast for the remainder of the year, with the China-based search engine operator citing uncertainty over the economy, trade issues, and tougher regulations.


Arconic – Arconic is in advanced talks to be bought by private-equity firm Apollo Global, according to sources quoted by Reuters. The reported price for the aluminum products maker would be more than $11 billion.




What is on everyone's radar for today's trading day ahead here at stocks?

I hope you all have an excellent trading day ahead today on this Wednesday, October 31st, 2018! :)

submitted by bigbear0083 to stocks [link] [comments]

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